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I just heard back from the organizer.
He couldn't give me an exact number, but what he did say was:
"If you needed to communicate something right away I would be comfortable saying we will substantially increase the prize money."

Last year the prize pool was $4000. I can say that with the sponsors we are looking at lining up, we are shooting for the $8-10,000 ballpark.
That number is totally up in the air right now, but it's what we're shooting for.

We are still working with the Royal and the Jack to see what we can do to become a qualifier.
Hopefully we can get that worked out...and get our prize money finallized as soon as possible.

It's a catch-22... It's easier to raise prize money if we know we have a larger number of competitors, and it's easier to get competitors with a larger prize pool.

I will post more information as it becomes available, and keep an eye on the website I posted at the begining of the thread.

so far, all sounds good !!.. I'll pencil this in and see what happens in the meantime.
The official prize money has been posted.
$10,000 up for grabs.
Hopefully that will sway a few of you to make the trip.

We are still working on the State Championship.
I was working with a local legislator last week on verbage and a connection at the statehouse level. They were very interested in helping us get this done.
Are you planning on getting the governors proclamation designating the contest as a state championship? Will there be KCBS sanctioning and Certified Judges? All of the above will help greatly of achieving your goal of 25-30 teams. Best of luck with the contest.

The official prize money has been posted.
$10,000 up for grabs.
Hopefully that will sway a few of you to make the trip.

We are still working on the State Championship.
I was working with a local legislator last week on verbage and a connection at the statehouse level. They were very interested in helping us get this done.

Or, we just get 50 teams down in the square, then we dont have to do a "state proclimation" and it would be the largest contest in Ohio.....I am glad that the Colony Theater came up with the prize money....that is a hellova investment....and appreciate that they have invested, not only in the contest, but, downtown Marietta as a whole.

I will send you a couple examples of State Proclamations.....which will guarantee at least 25 to make it a qualifier....regardless of a race weekend or not...I have been working with getting the information out to teams from IN, KY, WV, VA, and there should be a great representation at the contest......

Thanks again for all the help that you guys have given Hunt....hopefully this will be a long term event....and more into Ohio.....
We're In! We wanna come play with 2 Worthless Nuts & a Pig,,hahaha
lol.......they wont be there, since it is now just 2 Worthless Nuts.......and they will be divided up between 2 teams, enough to give your ADD a run for the then I guess we would be 2 Split Nuts huh?
lol.......they wont be there, since it is now just 2 Worthless Nuts.......and they will be divided up between 2 teams, enough to give your ADD a run for the then I guess we would be 2 Split Nuts huh?
Yeah Eddy!!! It don't matter who you are that weekend,, We're gonna beat you with last year's Grandchampion Smoker.......GRINS
Now that's what I'm talkin' about!! A little smack talkin'.
That's what this contest needs...

Let's get ready rumble...
..bring that damn pellet pooper down Rob... Hope it doesn't get wet :eek:
Umm, hate to tell ya, no pellet pooper in my garage any longer, Hot Racks & Stacks is now in possession of the ol, will probably be a Jambo contest for me......depends on what Cowboy Dan wants to cook on....
Dang it sounds like this Contest will have one of each Smokers Represented,, Guess I'll have to break out the Custom Rotisserie Hibachi and the Marsali.
Guess I can cancel that little rainstorm I had ordered up then...:oops:

Jambo likes rain, bring it on.....Eddy, lets see, rain, snow, blistering heat....all the same just depends on which one Dan wants to cook on.....heck, so many to do before then...but, with the ability to arrive on Thursday after 5, and stay over until Sunday it will be a great time...
I'm kinda hoping Danny chooses to cook on the old Southern Pride.

He was putting out such a nice puffy white smoke at Nelsonville with it. :p a shame to see that stop...
I'm kinda hoping Danny chooses to cook on the old Southern Pride.

He was putting out such a nice puffy white smoke at Nelsonville with it. :p a shame to see that stop...

Laughing, yeah, I busted his chops on that one pretty good too....but, he will probably be on Jambo duty there...just because I get to take it on the road so much know, that whole, stay at home, cater an event for 15,000, compared to head out on the road and do a contest thing that he has going.........
this is adam from smokem bbq. we done the comp in nelsonville last year. won the top ohio team. where in town do they have this event in town at?