Man VS Food


Babbling Farker
Jan 16, 2007
Southern MN
Any-one see Man VS Food last night. It was about that Hot Pulled Pork Sandwich. but before that, there was that guy who had a whole Barn/Hall of Smokers that was cooking for the Firemen and Police? That was a BBQ.
Yeah, I saw it too, that boy must have taken a whole bunch of reading material into the chitter the next morning, aint no way he got out of there before lunch!
That other guy had one heck of a set up didn't he.

Yes, I did see the segment on the firefighters the had to go boxes. I fell asleep before the bbq sammie segment.
Did you notice he didn't actually use any smoke? The insides of the smokers were still shiny.

Still a pretty great thing he does. :biggrin:
Those "plates" were crazy! A whole chicken, six sausages, brisket, turkey leg, dino bone, and a huge pork sandwich? Holy smokes! That is really nice of that guy to do for the police and fire fighters. He must have some serious bankroll to fund that.
Hey Sled...why don't you weight 400lb? They must make you walk from location to location.