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Knows what a fatty is.
Apr 1, 2019
Name or Nickame
Anyone out there recently order a LSG Mini? For me it will be exactly 6 weeks from order placement tomorrow 05/14 and I have not gotten my "its being built" email yet.

Trying to gauge from others that have recently ordered if I should be expecting the email soon or if I need to get my extra patient pants on for a few more weeks.
Ordered my 20x36 on 2/6/19 and received it on 3/28/19

Edit: got the "its being built" email on 2/23/19

Its getting warmer across the country so I'd expect their lead times to increase. I ordered mine in february to try a get ahead of that.
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FWIW, I ordered a 20x42 offset from LSG on 4/15/19 and have not yet gotten my “it’s being built” email. When I ordered it, they said it would take approximately 6 weeks. Fingers crossed that we all get our orders fulfilled soon. :)
I ordered my Mini on March 1st. It was exactly 8 weeks later that I got the build email. And it was exactly 2 weeks later that I received word it was done.