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Got rid of the matchlight.
Jan 31, 2019
Name or Nickame
Hey Everyone

Hope I'm posting this in the right section.

I've just purchased a new LPG Gas Deep Fryer with 2 Gas Burners hence making it a Double Fryer. I seem to be having a problem with heat up time on this fryer. I played around with the little lever just in front of the burner to adjust the Gas to Air ratio and found some interesting results.

If you look at the picture I attached, the flame on the left side burner is yellow and almost bellows upwards whilst the flame on the right side is blue and more calm. From the research I've done, the flame on the left is not good and wastes gas as well as burns less hotter than the one on the right which is more effective on gas consumption and burns very hot. So.... I did a test.

I filled the baskets up with equal amount of water and fired up both burners at exactly the same time then kept measuring the temperature of the water to see which one heats up faster. By the way. each basket had around 2.5 Liters of water. These were my findings.

1. Quite to my surprise, the burner on the right always stayed 2 Degrees Celsius colder than the burner on the left - I would have expected the right side burner to heat up faster than the left side.

2. It took almost 25 minutes to bring both baskets of water to boiling temperature. I have an electric fryer and doing this exercise on my electric brought the water up to boiling temp in less than 15 minutes. So much for Gas heating up faster than electric.

3. I ran a separate test to measure the gas consumption of each burner and found the left burner consumed 3 times more than the right side burner - I don't know how accurate this measurement is though because the scale kept fluctuating.

I'd like to know, how long should the heat up time of a gas fryer be?

Take care


  • Gas Burner Ineffective.jpg
    Gas Burner Ineffective.jpg
    43.9 KB · Views: 91
Air to gas mixture is off. Do a search for images of a proper burning gas flame to give you an idea what you need to work towards. Then start adjusting one burner until you approach the flame in the picture. Then repeat with the next burner. Perhaps search YouTube for videos on adjusting flames.

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Gas flames are sorta like wood smoke.If it ain’t blue,something ain’t right.Good luck.