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I had a very lightly smoked blueberry cobbler once that was quite good. I think you could make a smoked pecan pie but I've never tried it. I've never made smoked desserts myself, but it seems that a little smoke goes a LONG way on desserts so i would expect to use very light flavored woods and run it very clean and hot so it finishes quickly. just a guess tho

and of course a smoked old fashioned is always a great dessert :p
Thanks for the idea!

Alternatively, I've been meaning to try a dump cake (using a closed cast iron put) in my offset. I plan to put the pot directly in the firebox over the embers that remain after I'm done cooking (putting a few of the embers on top, like one does with a dump cake in a campfire). But, as the pot lid is on, I don't expect much (any?) smoke on the end product...
I've made apple and blueberry crisps on a few of the kamado grills I've owned. Recipe was from a Weber cookbook. Crisps are pretty forgiving. The most difficult dessert I've made on the Goldens' was a Burnt Basque Cheesecake which turned out well but wasn't as burned as I would have liked. As an fyi, it was a Chef John recipe.

Dessert out on the grill can be a lot of fun, which reminds me that I haven't made one outdoors in quite some time.
I make Malcolm Reed's bourbon white chocolate bread pudding at least once a year. Usually for Thanksgiving. It's very good and hard to stop eating. If you are counting calories or carbs its not for you but ohhhh it's good.