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How bout a little bowl of texas open the sinuses ...........and the bowels:mrgreen:


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I don't know about Chad, but after this thread, my cold is much better.......I think............but I did have that bourbon:wink:
Brauma send him up some garlic, that ALWAYS clears up any colds and crude I get.
How about some Matzoh Ball Soup?


If that doesn't work, this generally gets me feeling better...

Thanks guys! I appreciate the concern!!

Drainage isn't the problem -- spicy would taste good, but the resulting nasal drippage would be problematic!!

The "bug" is viral so there isn't much I can do except treat the "other" symptoms -- Amoxicillin for the sinus infection and mucinex for the congestion in the chest...a bit of cough syrup for night time...I've been fortunate that it didn't get worse. I've fought pneumonia 4 times and it's no fun!!
thirdeye said:
Greg, there's a cat looking for you in the Green Room.

Well I'm still looking for the Green Room... unless that's a secret code for something I'm ignorant about.


Chad, sounds like you are on the road to recovery. However, I would think twice about turning down Ronelle's secondery treatment plan.:-D
qman said:
Chad, sounds like you are on the road to recovery. However, I would think twice about turning down Ronelle's secondery treatment plan.:-D

Got to pass! My wife was looking over my shoulder as I read thru the "recipes" -- thank goodness yesterday was Valentine's Day!!
ggriffi said:
How bout this one?

2 shots your favorite borbon/whiskey
1T honey
1t lemon juice
4 oz. Dr Pepper

Couple of these and you won't care about your cold at all. :eek:


Rookie's Hot Toddy Mods:

4 oz. water
1 jalapeno ( whole, just cut a slit in it )
nuke until boiling, remove pepper then add;
1T honey
1T lemon juice
1 pkg TheraFlu
2 to 4 shots Gentleman Jack
stir like hell & drink it as hot & fast as you can
repeat as needed ( if able ).
p.s. - you're gonna sweat!:twisted:
Rookie'48 said:
Rookie's Hot Toddy Mods:

4 oz. water
1 jalapeno ( whole, just cut a slit in it )
nuke until boiling, remove pepper then add;
1T honey
1T lemon juice
1 pkg TheraFlu
2 to 4 shots Gentleman Jack
stir like hell & drink it as hot & fast as you can
repeat as needed ( if able ).
p.s. - you're gonna sweat!:twisted:

Now that sounds like the nuclear option. Copied and saved for future reference.
OK, the best cure is to get hot and sweat it out. So, I'd take ya to Crazy Buffet for the hot and spicy all you can eat and then after that we'd just hop down to the Mons Venus for a couple hours. That ought to get you pretty well cured by the weekend. I'm sure they'd wave the 6ft rule if they knew it was for "Medical" reasons.
Sauna? Now I'm preaching northern talk to southerners, what a hoot. It is a hot room that you sit in and sweat. Wonderful therapy for whatever ails you. Our's is out on the deck by the pool. The regimen is sweat, cool, sweat, cool, over and over again until you feel clean. Relaxation is the thing. No time limit, just do it until you feel clean.

My wife is half Swede. Grew up in Finlayson Minnesota. She taught me well. Sauna is a lifestyle thing. Not just a steam bath.

We talk about sweet blue. The air flow pattern in a sauna is very critical. Too much information. I love my sauna.
Kevin said:
Sauna? Now I'm preaching northern talk to southerners, what a hoot. It is a hot room that you sit in and sweat. Wonderful therapy for whatever ails you. Our's is out on the deck by the pool. The regimen is sweat, cool, sweat, cool, over and over again until you feel clean. Relaxation is the thing. No time limit, just do it until you feel clean.

My wife is half Swede. Grew up in Finlayson Minnesota. She taught me well. Sauna is a lifestyle thing. Not just a steam bath.

We talk about sweet blue. The air flow pattern in a sauna is very critical. Too much information. I love my sauna.

Now we're talking. Is yours the dry heat with the special heater you splash water on? I've been looking at the prefab kits that can go in the basement. They even have triangular ones that can fit in a corner. This is the scene I'm after....

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thirdeye said:
I guess it is code, but you were already there ... you posted two pictures and said aloha. Sound familiar now?

Ohh I'm a little slow today...thanks for helping this old coot! I like the sauna room! HEE!