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Dear Mr. Seoul -

My quote: Finished product was amazing; perfect texture, plenty of juiciness (whoever says grassfed beef isn't marbled enough is welcome to come over for dinner), a balanced smokiness that said "BBQ" without hiding the flavor of the meat.....

I stated that my grassfed beef is in fact marbled which contributed to the JUICINESS of my chuckie. Some people say that it isn't, although it can be when properly raised. You incorrectly quoted me as attributing the flavor to the fat content/marbling. Besides that error, in MANY (some would argue most) people's opinions, beef fat is DELICIOUS. Exhibit A - a cleaned plate from a properly grilled (and marbled/fatty) ribeye, even naked (the ribeye, that is lol)! Counterpoint - you offered bacon (which I adore :thumb:) as your exhibit to the tastiness of pork. Bacon is salt-cured and smoked, without that it is called side-pork (or pork-belly). Have you ever pan fried some uncured/unsmoked side-pork. Now THAT is a much closer definition to the flavor of armpit :icon_sick (I assume).... HOWEVER, when it is introduced to and married with flavor (the "bacon-ing" process, or my personal favorite, Hong Shao Rou ), side-pork becomes a slice of heaven! But I digress, in the end, it is all a subjective matter of opinion....I love me some charred beef fat, you can enjoy all of the swine blubber that you care for, and there is still enough room for both of our palates in this fine forum :mrgreen:. Have a wonderful evening my friend.....

I agree that there is room for many opinions and many palates, such is the spice of life. However, I reserve the right to voice my opinions loudly.

I did not quote you as saying anything. I did mean to suggest that the cooking is the most important part. I love the chuckies and I too love the grass fed beef. Let us agree that people who do not like grass fed beef either got some poorly cooked meat or some poorly grown meat. Cause it is the stuff.

I have all of my chuck cut in to steaks because they are tender enough. We smoke the stuff from the supermarket when the freezer gets low. Happy smoking.
Let us agree that people who do not like grass fed beef either got some poorly cooked meat or some poorly grown meat. Cause it is the stuff.

I have all of my chuck cut in to steaks because they are tender enough. We smoke the stuff from the supermarket when the freezer gets low. Happy smoking.

Hear hear and cheers with beers! :mrgreen: