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Babbling Farker

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Jul 11, 2011
Tuscaloosa Alabama
Well last week i was blessed to be able to cook for a men's retreat... It was awesome... I redid a friends cooker i built 3 years ago... I think it was on of the 1st cabinet models i built... Here is the adventure.... I did not have a cooker.. So i did this and used it for the retreat

Demoing the orginial cooker from trailer

New trailer in progress

New rig completed... Made it on a modified trailer... Added stainless table.. Custom wheels.. Burner up front.. The modified trailer is 53 inches from outside of the fenders.. Also has a removable tongue

Now to the cook went to th restaurant depot.. Got 2 12 pound packers... 8 -10 pound butts... Got 25 pounds of sausage from SAMs..

Brisket trimmed up

Cut the fat cap off the butts and preseasond butts and brisket and put in a cooler so i would be ready at 5:00 am

The story behind this place is as follows told to me by the owner... Who is a great big country boy that owns a logging company... He told me. One day he told his wife.. I think God wants me to do somthing for children... He had always wanted this land... It is a beautiful place with a 11 acre lake... Well he rode by the place and saw a forsale sign ... Called an the realtor told him someone had put a downpayment on the place.. Disappointed as he was he told his wife... If God wants us to have it... He will make a way.. The next week the realtor called and said the guy backed out....he has turned it into an awesome place.. A place called eagles wings... ( a place for adult and mentally disabled children) use it often...long story but it will be available for weddings... Get always ... Retreats and many other things no alcohol is allowed ... That is one of his stipulations... This guy stands 6ft 6 tall and is all country... As kind as can be.. So i would show up with a Pepsi in my hand....:)

I got up there and it was still dark.. I was alone and had no idea a lake was there until the fog lifted and the sun started coming up

Well i fired the cooker up got well above where i would cook initially

They had a special place for me since i was the cook... Most were in tents
Here is my place... Looked right at the lake

Had a wood burning heater...

Some of the guys busting wood for the fire that night

Some of my ingredients.. A friend sent me

Now some meat pics

Cooked some naked fatties for the beans...

Butts and brisket are taking shape

After the brisket hit the color i wanted and around 165 degrees.... I panned them with some ajus... And put back
On the cooker till probe tender.. Which was around 208 degrees

I panned the butts once they got the bark and color i wanted... I could have cooked naked the whole time but chose to pan and foil since i was not exactly what time we would eat... And panning is more forgiving to me

The cook TQ

Some random pics

Brisket rested and done


I did not get many food pics ... But everyone said it was the best they had.. They loved my homemade sauce... And beans... I must say the butts and brisket was prolly some of the best i have ever cooked

One of our guitar players.. Use to be a biker now plays in our praise and worship team...

The guys grubbing down

Some of the men in the praise team

Where our band setup

The neat thing is we have 2 services at our church... So i see faces in passing.. But i got to get close to some of these guys from all walks of life... Loggers.. Bikers... Welders... Lawyers...plumbers... And on and on...
It was an amazing time.. ... Thx for looking... TQ
Wasn't sure I could get beyond the no alcohol comment, but I fought through it, and am glad I did.

Fantastic job, food looks great, and fine fellowship
Paul looks like an awesome time! With a lot of great food. If anyone went hungry shame on them. :-D
It was also interesting see the quick smoker rebuild.
Thanks for sharing!
What a great time! Food and location look amazing Paul.
Let me know when they have a women's retreat. :becky:
Well done Sir! :thumb:
looks like some good people got together and had some good food. very nice of you to do all of that for them.:thumb:
Thx everyone.. The cool thing is Saturday morning .. Well afternoon.. Chris...(Oifmarine2003) and his lovely wife Tabitha dropped in to visit.. He was in Birmingham for a wedding... Took time to drive 50 miles out of his way to visit... Even though they could only stay for an hour.... That my friends tells you something about our brethern... It was awesome to see him and Tabitha... Thx Chris... Cooking for everyone was a blessing for me... I really like doing it.. As i am sure many will concurr.... Again thx for looking