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John, that is some seriously lip smackin Lamb you did there.

I am seriously interested in the results of the lamb bacon too....


Congrats Brother!



Whoo hooo!!
I got an ALF seal of approval!!!!

The lamb bacon is very similar to pork bacon ( due to the similar preparation), but has a slightly different flavor ( pig vs lamb).
Those lamb are some kinda fatty beasts, eh? So, I cure my corned beef for about 7 days in TQ. Why do you do a shorter cure, or why cure at all since you are cooking right away? I am just trying to learn this chit...

Marty, the lamb breasts are very fatty for sure. The TQ on the lamb was to give it a taste and texture similar to bacon.
It was a relatively thin piece of meat with a lot more fat than meat. Therefore it required a shorter cure.

The taste and texture was very reminiscence of pork bacon.