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Found some matches.
Jan 26, 2015
I am going to my first competition in the Grand USA and this one is it. I have not seen it pop up as a thread yet, so I figured I would ask. Currently, it looks like I am the only Canadian team going to the event so I hope to be able to represent well.
I'm taking the plunge and have enrolled in the judging class the night before. I've been told my Q is very good, so I'm considering some competition to see what it's like to run with the big dogs. Reading here I've found that judging is a great way to get started. So I'm gonna do that and then spend time at the event on Saturday (gotta work Friday) so will try to look up some of the folks on this thread.

Kingman, AZ
Sounds great to me. We are leaving Edmonton on the 21st for the 1600 mile trek. Give the equipment some time to defrost and see if I remember how to cook when it isn't 20 below. Our boy is doing the Kids Q as well...and beer...we Canadians like our beer.
If you're bringing Sleeman Silver Creek lager, I might have to reconsider driving to AZ to check out the comp :biggrin1:
Looks like Swamp Boys will be making the trek out west for this one! Teaching a Q School Weds/Thurs, competing Fri/Sat. Still seats available.
Can anyone hook a brother up with a retired AZ to add to my collection of states competed in? Will trade for a jar of sauce.
Not sure what I am bringing for beer yet, but the upside of travelling is paying less for a lot of stuff, like gas and Beer, which is so much cheaper in the US. So is pork & chicken, but beef is about the same.
I've got a Hotel room booked at Quality Inn & Suites.

If somebody is looking to split a room PM me. Could save enough money to buy a SFR Brisket!

I'm also looking to see if any fellow Brethren would be willing to lend some equipment for this event.

I'm coming in on Tuesday doing Swamp Boys Class Wed-Thurs. Would like to cook the comp, but am flying in.

PM me if your might be willing to lend some gear.
