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well, jim, he's right. you busted your ass to promote this contest during the $4 gas, economy, etc. and to have filled your field (in Ohio for gosh sakes ! Not a huge mecca for BBQ. ) is damn good work. I've always thought that after this year, it's only the strong who will survive to have another contest next year. Just shows that a contest doesn't have to have $50,000 to fill itself up. I think other organizers who couldn't fill their field to make their contest at least a qualifier ought to feel silly, because you proved it's possible the way things are these days.

Thanks Podge. It doesn't hurt having good friends either.
i'll be there on thursday and i'll be cooking pulled pork pizzas
Congratulations Jim on filling the field and an extremely strong one at that!

I just checked your website and saw that the newest addition is Motley Q Crew. Will Guy Fieri be joining the team? Any word of the Food Network showing up?

Looking forward to it. We'll probably need to park on a hard service with the Jedmaster.
Cool, Not sure when I will be getting there but if I can make it
Thursday night, I know I will have good company!:-D

Can't wait to see that MEGA Stumps!

How many cooks have you managed to do with it so far?

(None I hope!:wink::lol:)

I've only cooked on it once so far, but I will have at least 2 if not 3 more cooks on it before the comp.
I've only cooked on it once so far, but I will have at least 2 if not 3 more cooks on it before the comp.

Well, if the offer still stands, do you want to make one of those practice cooks at the park tomorrow?
Thanks Brother!!:eusa_clap:eusa_clap

Randy and Podge, you are correct that Jim has worked his ass off promoting this comp but you are missing something entirely. You wouldn't have a reason to know unless you were there last year or heard someone from last year tell you.

That is that Jim organized his comp with the cooks in mind and I can tell you that he understands comps from a cooks point of view and makes sure that the cooks are taken care of.

Last year it seemed like there was someone coming to our site every couple of hours to see if we needed ice or trash hauled away and asked if we needed anything else for that matter.
Before going any further with this, it's necessary to say that while I have been the primary point of contact for most of you, the other half of the organizational effort is Jimmy Weaver of Jimmys Hog Pen. It is a total team effort with us, the American Legion and all of our sponsors and while it could probably be pulled off with one or two of the equations removed, it would have been a helluva lot harder.

I do appreciate you sticking up for me Neil but Randy, Podge and I have known each other for several years and although they were not at the Kettering contest last year, that doesn't mean they don't know how Jimmy and I do things. We are competition cooks as you say and we know how we like to be treated at contests. That thought is paramount in everything we do and based on the feedback we got last year, we feel like we're doing the right things. That being said, we appreciate all the support that the barbecue community has shown us and we will continue to do whatever we can to make you want to come back next year regardless of how much your scores might have sucked this year. :biggrin:
Congratulations Jim on filling the field and an extremely strong one at that!

I just checked your website and saw that the newest addition is Motley Q Crew. Will Guy Fieri be joining the team? Any word of the Food Network showing up?

Looking forward to it. We'll probably need to park on a hard service with the Jedmaster.

Thanks Dallas. We do feel fortunate to have a full field with so many other contests not being able to make qualifier.

Based on what I'm hearing, Guido is so busy with other projects that he will likely not be here for our contest. We're holding off on the Food Network until next year. :wink:

When will you be coming in? Even on the grass, the ground is very firm so we'll figure the placement when you get here.
Jim, I'll be coming in from Cleveland late Thursday night and staying at my Father In Laws house. I've moved my Jedmaster permanently to the Dayton area, at my friends farm in Germantown to cut down on fuel costs pulling that thing. We'll hook up the Jedmaster Friday morning and should be at the contest sometime around 10 or so.

I was so hoping to meet Guy. DDD is my favorite show on the Food Network. One thing for sure though, we won't be short on colorful characters at your contest!:-D
I remember you saying your in-laws were around here but I never knew of anyone claiming to have friends in Germantown :razz:....sorry Rick

We do have a line up of colorful characters and we're looking forward to a great weekend.
I agree with Podge on one of the two comments he made. Take a guess which one? :twisted:
To rephrase that, I am looking forward to seeing Kathy again.
Damn, can I get a refund? I did not know who the reps were when I signed up.... The last contest, he played the CD real slow and I couldn't understand it.

I am assuming that the hot tub sponsor and the Victoria Secret models are all set for me and Podge?
Scottie, what was this post last evening on another forum about you sitting back drinking your Jack and COKE?? You give up on SUNDROP?

I only have a 12 pack of Sun Drop left and it's a long weekend.... Sometimes you just have to make sacrifices...
Damn, can I get a refund? I did not know who the reps were when I signed up.... The last contest, he played the CD real slow and I couldn't understand it.

I am assuming that the hot tub sponsor and the Victoria Secret models are all set for me and Podge?

You know you don't really want to do that Scottie. To back out on this contest just because of Phillip would mean you wouldn't get to see Kathy either and that would be like throwing out the baby with the toilet water...or however the expression goes.