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KCBS - Did you vote?

  • Yes

    Votes: 94 87.9%
  • No

    Votes: 6 5.6%
  • I'm not a member

    Votes: 7 6.5%

  • Total voters
I received mine this morning and went ahead and took care of the voting before I forgot :-D
ditto. and didn't see anyplace to vote on the KCBS site.

I dont think there is one. they are using a 3rd party company's hosted application. Your username and password to vote are generated by them, so you need the email to vote anyway...
Voted... Mike Budai!!!


1. Please describe the skills you possess (which you believe are stronger than the other candidates) which would make you an asset as a board member, in dealing with the challenges facing KCBS, and give an example of how those skills would serve the KCBS board of Directors and its membership.

Being self employed in the computer industry I know what its like to wear many hats.
To be successful, it takes responsibility and commitment.
Being self employed also allows me a more flexible schedule.

2. If you are a Cook, Judge, Rep or Backyard Cook, please identify the major KCBS issues concerning, one of areas in which you are involved. Describe the major issue, your strategies to correct or improve the issue, and what you see as the biggest challenge to the success of your plan.

Up until the 2008 season, KCBS updated the rules, regulations, organizer requirements, forms, rep responsibilities, etc. in January and kept them in place for that season. This year, that policy changed. While it may seem like a good idea to make changes along the way, the result was, lots of confusion among the reps, organizers, teams and judges that ended up with contests running on different forms and rules. Even the KCBS office couldn’t keep current on the correct forms.
I think KCBS should go back to yearly updates so that organizers, teams, reps and judges are all on the same page in all parts of the country.

3. Identify your major short term goal and the major long term goal, if elected to the Board of KCBS and your plan to implement change or improvement in order to carry out each of these goals.

Being a rep, having cooked and judged, a recurring issue I would like to address:
Teams keep asking me for explanation for how four out of six judges can score an entry an eight or nine while the remaining judges score it five, four or even a three. KCBS has tried several changes to the scoring criteria trying to minimize erratic scoring, the latest change, using descriptors on the score cards, just seems to have made matters worse.
For the short term, I propose KCBS go to: An entry comes in and is scored up or down on its merits. (I believe this system produced more consistent results)
Longer term, I think better testing of scoring changes should be used before implementing. We now have several generations of CBJ’s that have all been taught different scoring systems and I believe this has had a negative effect on the quality of the scoring.

4. If elected please explain “your level of commitment, time and energy” for committee projects and monthly reports, board meetings and attendance, as well as representing KCBS to the public and being responsive to our members.

I am the type of person that finishes what he starts.
I will attend the board and committee meetings.
I will listen.

5. Please describe your participation in KCBS activities and years of experience.

Joined KCBS and became a CBJ in 1999.
Received Master CBJ in 2001.
Started to Rep in 2002.
Former member of Four Men And A Pig.

6. Please explain why you want to be a member of the KCBS Board.
I feel that it is easy to complain about a situation.
It requires more of an effort to find a solution.
As a board member, I will not just help find solutions but be able to implement them.
[email protected]
I'm still awaiting my email ... have they all went out?

I checked my spam box, not there either. It is possible that KCBS has my old email on file, since I changed it this year ... so that could explain it.

I see Merl posted an email address on another site for members who have not received the email, so if anyone else is in the same boat as me, email - [email protected] and let them know that you did not receive your email that provides you voting access.