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so then is this the way NY works out?

Oink Smoke On Wheels
Sayville Meat @ Slims
Roc City Regal BBQ
Boston Hills iQue
Lake Placid I Smell Smoke
Troy Meat @ Slims
Brockport Big Belly BBQ
Patchogue Out Of The Ashes
New Paltz Meat @ Slims

iQue and ISS have both qualified for other reasons so they are removed from the draw, correct?

Out Of The Ashes won Williepalooza and Big Belly won the Smoking Eagles contest, I think both of which were a state championship. Do either/both of those get a bung in the draw?
I didn't miss any contests did I? If not the NY draw should look be

9 bungs total
Meat @ Slims x3
Out Of The Ashes x2
Big Belly x2
Smoke On Wheels
Regal BBQ

3 are NY teams, Regal, Big Belly and Out Of The Ashes. If none of these teams are pulled during the state draw is there then a separate draw from just these 3 for the home state rep?
If they have drawings to get the state order, and then drawing for first state, remove name drawn from rest of states, repeat, repeat, ......then draw for a state not represented by a team, how long does the process take? Don't forget the international and Canadian. This has got to be done by a computer due to all the permatations and combinations or someone who is one hell of a lot smarter than the rest of us.:confused:
so then is this the way NY works out?

Out Of The Ashes won Williepalooza and Big Belly won the Smoking Eagles contest, I think both of which were a state championship.

You got it. Although not sure if smokin eagles or WP are qualifiers.
If they have drawings to get the state order, and then drawing for first state, remove name drawn from rest of states, repeat, repeat, ......then draw for a state not represented by a team, how long does the process take? Don't forget the international and Canadian. This has got to be done by a computer due to all the permatations and combinations or someone who is one hell of a lot smarter than the rest of us.:confused:

Welllllllll:wink: Unless something has changed, my understanding is that it's all done by hand and human brain power:becky: I've been told that is the primary reason that cell phone use isn't allowed during the draw. They want to take the time to double check everything before making the results public.
Just picked up this poster recently... how times have changed...

What's the deal with the other automatic for consecutive appearances at the Jack? Are there any teams eligible for that? Is there a place to read the eligibility and draw guidelines?