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Is lookin for wood to cook with.
Mar 14, 2009
Well it's been a few years out of the BBQ world but I'm so glad to be back. I miss the smoke smell and to good taste of really BBQ .

So for my return I bought me a Large Green Egg. And I have used it a few times now. And I'm going to try me a pork butt this weekend.
But the problem is the temp. I like to cook at 225-235 but I'm not sure if I'm not closing the air intake . I was going to see if it right it seems like I only need about a inch or a inch and half of opening.

And should I use the green egg lump or Charcoal in it. I have been using lump and hickory wood chucks. I have mesquite but my gf does not like the taste of it.

Like I said I have been off a good 2years and I'm trying to get back going again.
Welcome back to the sweet blue.

If I understand your question, you want to leave your daisy wheel totally open and control your temps with the intake. You may have no more intake opening than the thickness of a nickel if you use lump for low and slow smoking. You may not have more than 5/8" - 3/4" opening for hot and fast.
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I find that I have better results using my daisy wheel to control the temp. It is usually closed down quite a bit. I leave the intake mostly open.
May I suggest Cherry wood. It really compliments pork nicely. It is currently all I use for all my smoking needs.