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Babbling Farker

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Batch Image
Feb 3, 2016
McPherson Kansas
Name or Nickame
So what else can I do but start a hot fire and open a cold beer.

A couple of boneless chops (bout 1 inch thick) have been swimming in this stuff.
Doctored the brine with large amounts of fresh Rosemary, garlic, and black peppercorns. All of Rich's brines are great but the Nekkid lends itself to MSU type of cooking. Create what ya want to taste.

The chops then got breaded with a standard triple dip and no further seasoning was necessary. Rested in the fridge for an hour or so.

Then comes the fire.
Chops swimming again. This time in hot oil.

Turned once.

Then indirect to finish to a perfect 152. Cause that's how the Mrs. likes em done.

And it's time to eat. Plated with some lentil and brown rice salad.

My wife asked if I was sorry I had gone out in the cold.I think she forgot who she is dealing with...:loco:

Anyway thanks for checking out my pork chops.