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"Never touch another man's grill"
"a mans castle violation"
"keep your hands off my grill"

what is this bogus. are most men this insecure that they cant let somebody else help out what they have messed up? mind you if an absolute stranger showed up to my house and started correcting stuff yeah I would have a problem. But a good buddy? I mean come on.
you did the absolute right thing moose.

Re mans castle violation: A friend of mine from school got remarried and I hosted my friend and her new husband for a true blue Q.U.E. feast with some of the best Que I've done.

Once I bring out the plates and we start serving , the new husband in front of both wives and our kids launches into a 3-minute-long speech about the immorality of my profession. He continues by accusing me of committing the worst acts by members of my profession as captured in the news. It was only second time in my life that I had met this man.

Suffice it to say there won't be a third!! Old fashioned etiquette is a dying art. If he thought that poorly of me on second meeting, he should've kept it to himself. If I was truly the devil incarnate then he should've cancelled the dinner and not eaten my Que!!
I must ask, what is your profession?

yeah- I'd kinda like to know too. Just curiosity- I'd not hold your answer agin' ya*. Ask anyone- my bar is WAY low.

*If you are a lawyer or a used car salesman- we can still be friends (I'll just have to watch you more closely)
Re mans castle violation: A friend of mine from school got remarried and I hosted my friend and her new husband for a true blue Q.U.E. feast with some of the best Que I've done.

Once I bring out the plates and we start serving , the new husband in front of both wives and our kids launches into a 3-minute-long speech about the immorality of my profession. He continues by accusing me of committing the worst acts by members of my profession as captured in the news. It was only second time in my life that I had met this man.

Suffice it to say there won't be a third!! Old fashioned etiquette is a dying art. If he thought that poorly of me on second meeting, he should've kept it to himself. If I was truly the devil incarnate then he should've cancelled the dinner and not eaten my Que!!

I guess I'm a little stumped at why this guy would blather on about the "immorality" of your profession. Can you be more specific? What is so immoral about cooking wonderful food that has been smoked?
Hahaha... A holier than thou dude. Tell him, no more awesome BBQ for you! Sometimes, it's tough to do, but after a while you realize that's the only way. My oldest brother didn't invite me and my kids to his house for over 15 years. Found out from my other brother that his "excuse" was he didn't have enough chairs. Then my sister in law told me she counted 17 chairs. Whatever dude, when I see the random phone call from you once every two or three years... Guess what, I ignore it.
Hahaha... A holier than thou dude. Tell him, no more awesome BBQ for you! Sometimes, it's tough to do, but after a while you realize that's the only way. My oldest brother didn't invite me and my kids to his house for over 15 years. Found out from my other brother that his "excuse" was he didn't have enough chairs. Then my sister in law told me she counted 17 chairs. Whatever dude, when I see the random phone call from you once every two or three years... Guess what, I ignore it.

Thanks LYU370!

That's the kind of validation I need! If you don't like the king in his castle, don't go to that castle and choose another. The worst is to enter castle, be hosted, and then insult the monarch. You can't be surprised when you're either thrown in the dungeon or banished from the kingdom. The warped thing is the holier than thou attitude blinded him and made him think he was just speaking the truth and not insulting in any way. He has persona non grata status in my kingdom
Which one?

Silverfinger certainly didn't mind adding a personal touch to my small BGE:



Having had Ray's beef ribs would let him do anything he wanted to.
My mom and step father came over for mothers day. I grabbed 4 good ribeyes for dinner. I asked them how they would like it cooked. Med well.....yuck. I feel as though he says these things just to please my mom. He is a man who likes good food. I cook their steaks as they would want, maybe a touch closer to medium to prove a point. I cook mine and my wives to the normal med-rare. I accidentally gave my step dad the wrong steak. Gave him the med rare one. As soon as he cut into it I said, "oops, I think that is the wrong one. Let me switch those real fast" He replies "nope, this one looks good, Ill take this one!"

My wife got screwed with a med well steak.....
Moose's pics look like that time in 1974 when somebody brought out 1/2 gallon of something because the beer was gone.
That all happened after a couple days of party hearty and dehydration.
First time I used a shovel to finish a cook.
my First priority is Eating the good food. You wanna come to my house and cook better grub than I can provide, or give me pointers on how to do it better-- Welcome!
The materials and equipment I have traded blood, sweat, and, well, I don't cry easily, but I do carpentry for food, so, I don't like to waste the good stuff!
I realise I'm not a natural born cook, not ashamed to admit it, and admire those who are. I do pretty well at enjoying a good sample or a good meal.
Just had something to add to this thread happen this weekend. I was asked by a friend if I could cook three briskets for her sons graduation, and that she wanted to pay me. No probs! I get there planning on being the only meat provider, but soon learn the husband is doing a couple racks of ribs, some sausages, and some corn on the cob. He's got a pretty BIG gas grill, bigger than my old Genesis was. Already see the two racks of ribs wrapped in foil. He shows me an old homemade smoker that needs some repair before he can use it, and I am thinking, okay, he knows what he is doing.

I might be there an hour and he takes the ribs off the grill and goes inside. I don't know how long they were on before I got there, so I think that he timed them just right. He makes a quick return with the sausages, precooked style, just need reheating, and puts those on the top grate. A couple mins later, I go inside to use the restroom and he is hacking through these ribs. He either has the dullest knife in the world, or this ribs are not done. I go back outside, and a couple mins later he reappears, ribs on a tray, going back on the grill. Barely gets them back on the grill as it's the same foil he was hacking on and it is shredded.

Time for a break, and we are sitting there talking, and I hear a *POP* then sizzling sound. One of the sausages must have been too close to the heat and burst. I let him know I heard it, expecting him to go move them around a bit, away from heat. Nope, he goes gets a tray and pulls them all off. They weren't on the grill for ten minutes.

Needless to say, I didn't eat anything. I let them know that I had to nibble / test a little of each brisket, and that I was saving room for more beer. (not necessarily a lie). I sat there and watched them all each. They all loved my brisket that they ate swimming in BBQ sauce like a soup :)doh:). I like a little pull on my ribs. They were really working to get the meat off these bones. Like the rib was pulling back...
Just had something to add to this thread happen this weekend. I was asked by a friend if I could cook three briskets for her sons graduation, and that she wanted to pay me. No probs! I get there planning on being the only meat provider, but soon learn the husband is doing a couple racks of ribs, some sausages, and some corn on the cob. He's got a pretty BIG gas grill, bigger than my old Genesis was. Already see the two racks of ribs wrapped in foil. He shows me an old homemade smoker that needs some repair before he can use it, and I am thinking, okay, he knows what he is doing.

I might be there an hour and he takes the ribs off the grill and goes inside. I don't know how long they were on before I got there, so I think that he timed them just right. He makes a quick return with the sausages, precooked style, just need reheating, and puts those on the top grate. A couple mins later, I go inside to use the restroom and he is hacking through these ribs. He either has the dullest knife in the world, or this ribs are not done. I go back outside, and a couple mins later he reappears, ribs on a tray, going back on the grill. Barely gets them back on the grill as it's the same foil he was hacking on and it is shredded.

Time for a break, and we are sitting there talking, and I hear a *POP* then sizzling sound. One of the sausages must have been too close to the heat and burst. I let him know I heard it, expecting him to go move them around a bit, away from heat. Nope, he goes gets a tray and pulls them all off. They weren't on the grill for ten minutes.

Needless to say, I didn't eat anything. I let them know that I had to nibble / test a little of each brisket, and that I was saving room for more beer. (not necessarily a lie). I sat there and watched them all each. They all loved my brisket that they ate swimming in BBQ sauce like a soup :)doh:). I like a little pull on my ribs. They were really working to get the meat off these bones. Like the rib was pulling back...

You forgot to mention the med-rare chicken :p
My mom and step father came over for mothers day. I grabbed 4 good ribeyes for dinner. I asked them how they would like it cooked. Med well.....yuck. I feel as though he says these things just to please my mom. He is a man who likes good food. I cook their steaks as they would want, maybe a touch closer to medium to prove a point. I cook mine and my wives to the normal med-rare. I accidentally gave my step dad the wrong steak. Gave him the med rare one. As soon as he cut into it I said, "oops, I think that is the wrong one. Let me switch those real fast" He replies "nope, this one looks good, Ill take this one!"

My wife got screwed with a med well steak.....

You didn't swap with her?

Her birthday/Christmas present better be *really* good this year...