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Wandering around with a bag of matchlight, looking for a match.
Feb 4, 2020
Toledo, ohio
Name or Nickame
So I splurged for a snake river farms Waygu Gold Brisket for Christmas eve. I have only smoked 4 briskets EVER and they were Costco Prime.

My typical routine is to trim, season with oakridge Black ops, inject and then smoke.

I am just wondering if people that normally inject briskets would inject this Waygu brisket?

Thanks in advance!

To sort of piggy back on Jason's first sentence, there is no need to inject for home use. Competition is a different animal. So I suggest the following method. Only inject one half of the brisket and leave the other side alone. Inject it lengthwise so one side of the flat and point are injected and the other side is left natural. This will give you a great comparison.

Good luck and Merry Christmas.

It's American Wagyu. Treat it like you would any other prime brisket. If you're happy with how your injected brisket comes out, I'd do the same to the SRF.
If I understand the point of wagyu(and I'm not sure I do) it's to let the beef flavor come through, so seems like less or same seasoning would make most sense
I suspect if you inject it will be awesome. Will be juicy and taste like all the other briskets you've cooked.

The idea behind spending double or triple for the SRF though is the meat itself is of higher quality. An SRF wagyu brisket should be substantively better than a Costco wagyu. You might want to let the meat shine on it's own. Personally, I would do nothing more than trim, season and smoke.

Regardless of what you do it will be awesome and your family is fortunate to have you and your killer brisket in their lives :mrgreen:
Yes. Just do what you are used to doing and it will be better than anything you have ever had! I have done wagyu briskets several times and always inject.
Agreed, no need to inject for home use. But it depends. Pumping it full of flavor and phosphate is different from injecting a nice beefy base with garlic and onion. Either way, so long as you pull it to rest inside the done window, it will be awesome!