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The sloop got pooped.. So Aye had to secure us a proper Fast Attack for tonight's plunder. Me dogs will accompany me as we make our way to the canteen for provisions. Fair thee well, me mateys!

Aye hope you approve.

ArrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrGH look out Noobs were coming!
Aaarrg! I just found this thread and read all 11 pages while sober, so most of it didn't make much sense. Why are we always out of rum?
The question before me is: Should I subject myself to scorn, ridicule and scurvy and join up with the Noobians and enter this Throw down? Or should I remain lurking in the depths.
True, I may be the only hope for this crew, but why sign on to that leaky dingy when I have the whole ocean at my desposil?......."I AM THE SEA!!!"

The Noobians need more crew members, and besides, it's a lot of fun. So, go for it!

The sloop got pooped.. So Aye had to secure us a proper Fast Attack for tonight's plunder. Me dogs will accompany me as we make our way to the canteen for provisions. Fair thee well, me mateys!

Aye hope you approve.

ArrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrGH look out Noobs were coming!

She'll make a fine support ship for the new SS Farkenaut, she will.

I gots the Poohbah drunk on rum, and hijacked the Mod-Yacht. She's a swanky lass, she is, and well fortified with armaments.


You should see the galley.

She'll make a fine support ship for the new SS Farkenaut, she will.

I gots the Poohbah drunk on rum, and hijacked the Mod-Yacht. She's a swanky lass, she is, and well fortified with armaments.


You should see the galley.


Ooh, the irony of getting seasick in a swimming pool, that's going on my bucket
Alrighty noobian mateys I've search the world's seas and found us a ship....


and I'm working on my avatar - hopefully it will be up by the end of the day. Now who's willing to join me on a three month journey to battle a bunch of old, smoke-infused, imposters? I've only entered one Throwdown since I've been here but I almost won that one with me salmon candy. I'm sure we can beat these crusty old farkers if we just put our minds to it. Come on now, mateys, join up.​

Pretty sure i fall under the description of "crusty old farker" myself but request permission to join The Noobians as we take on "them other crusty old farkers".
Now that the fall ... basketball season ... softball season ... wedding ... honeymoon are all over. I should be able to get back into the TDs again.

If the ol' vets will have a rusty ol' vet ... I will lay my life on the line for all things noobie roasting

Dude. Do not show this post to your new Bride! Don't you know that the Honeymoon should never end? :becky:
Just a wee bit of a snack for the Farkenaughty crew to tide ya over till marnin. Please accept this as my official entry.
Aye present to you my famous Torpedo smothered and covered!

Stay out of the companionway after consuming this bomb. The poopdeck's the right place fer ya!

Ensign HT, Over

Not to cause a major incident on the high seas, but is that boiled?

(I may soon regret this post?)
I had some nice Mushroom and swiss burgers ready , and Guess who got them...


Yes, a Noobian Spy under my very own roof... Meanwhile she is blocking access to pit, and Even turning the hose on her she just laughs it off.

Ha, but will she fall for the salsa on a chip trick? She usually does... Time to thaw the brisket and break out the Pork Belly