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Thanks to Ronelle for that killer entry of a gas grill. Yes, some food was cooked, but we didn't see much of it. I didn't see any pickles at all. I think I saw avocados. Avocados do appeal to some brethren.

CD :tsk:
She is a sweetheart, and she gets real excited when we ask her if we should light the smoker. She will come stand right beside me when tending the fire, i keep telling her she is going to burn her nose.
Man, I really miss my girl. I have a Rott/Sharpe mix and a yellow lab now. They are so food centric, it's like ...lite the grill....feed the dogs. They truly keep me in check. Not the other way around, as most people think!
Thanks for the pics!
Aye, I know I've been shootin' me mouth off here in the throw-down with no entry to show fer it. We be short handed The first mate is away on business. But you just wait 'till I has me full compliment and crew. A fatal shot it'll be fer ya Farkenauights!
So, for now me second mate and I came up with this fun entry.
Protect yer jewels and hold on,,,,,,,,


View attachment 80165

Ya can see the full cook here.
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got the cannon loaded...

Apologies to my fellow Noobs.. My first mate came home from her business travels with a terrible sickness. it's ether the Creepin' Crud, or Diapukeous of the Pluck. It's hard to say, but there'll be no show cook today. I'll be nursin' her back to full strength.

I've fallen behind brothers,.....Keep to the Code.
Cook on, me hardies, cook on.
Perhaps I'll catch up tomorrow.
Things is mighty quiet in the Noobian Port-O-call. Aye am thinking "blitzkrieg" Watch yer step down the companionway, Aye've got a wee bit of a surprise fer ya! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh :twisted:
He's a nancy boy! Pirates can't run like that, me peg leg gets stuck in the sand, Arrrrrrrrgh.

Gettin ready now for a shot back at ya, be warned! Man the lifeboats, women and children first there Noobs!:twisted: