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iGrill mini issue with 2in Tbone.

Ribeye Rob

Found some matches.
I have been using the iGrill mini for some months with good results in big pieces of meat, mainly bbqing. Today I used it to to grill a 2in Tbone. I never use a thermometer when grilling, I use time as a guidance, but since it was a cold day I thought I better be safe using my iGrill mini.
Normally I would reverse sear the Tbone, 15 to 20min indirect and then go direct 5min per side, then rest for 10min.
Today I inserted the probe making sure not to touch the bone, placed the Tbone in indirect and after 20min it barely got to 80*F, moved the Tbone to direct 5min per side and the temp went up to 100*F, moved the Tbone back to indirect because I didn't want to burn my meat but the temperature went very slowly to 120*F when I decided to take the Tbone out of the grill (the Tbone had been inside the grill for more than 40min).
I cut the Tbone (after properly resting it) and found out that it was WELL DONE, when I was trying to a get a medium term.
I used a Weber kettle and the temperature was high (450*F).

Any advice??
Only that a thermometer is a tool. Trust your instincts, back them up with the tool. That is why i recommend learning to cook without them.

And a food instant read works better for steaks.
Double check it in boiling water. I had the probe go bad on mine. It read a little more extreme that yours thought it was reading 6 in 80 degree weather.