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I have no BBQ Blunders, unless we count over cooked, tasteless food. But I waited until later in life to start doing real Q'. Got a little smarter.

I can add a blunder, it was not done on the grill but in an oven. Years ago, when I really partied to much. I got home early one morning and had the munchies, popped some fish sticks into the oven.

Long story short, woke up 8 hours later to a funky smoky smell, yep cooked them 8 hours at 375º. they were the size of pretzels. Took weeks to get rid of the burnt fish odor. :icon_smil:icon_shock1:
My most recent was to use my pork butt rub as my rib rub at a comp (too much rub at that!).
Made for some nice, black ribs. Tasted great, good tenderness, but judges don't appear to like ribs that look like they have been burnt. (33 out of 39 mod)
At Bash #......chit I can't remember.

Mary's prime starts on fire in the BYC, instinctively I grab the garden sprayer of AJ and shoot the flames. Well, as most of you know atomized AJ and fire do not a combination make.

Flamethrower Mod.

Brian that was in 2006 at Parrotheads.

One of the first times I cooked brisket in the Dera, had door thermometer accidentally inserted in 2nd brisket after I opened the door to check on them. It would only read like 150, I kept putting more and more wood until I realized what was going on and the actual temp was around 350. The bottom brisket was a little toasty, but was a 13lb fat side down so she was savable. Also had thermo probe fall in water pan and do the exact opposite couldn't get temp down then realized what happened. Still trying to find the best place to keep the probes. Any pics would be appreciated..... Chris
I guess that would be smoke drying Habanero peppers. Removed seeds by hand (no gloves) and then went to pee. Hands burnt for days. In an effort to avoid "too much information," I'll leave it at that.

Been there done that (and I know dancing part after a pee) and most likely so has anyone that has made ABT's...:lol:
First brisket: Put it in my old char broil and went to a movie(Apparently, one needs to monitor this cooker external temp alittle closer than that). When I got back it looked like a big black smoking football. I went to cut it, and it turned into a thousand tiny shards. Had a nice deep smoke ring though.
Cooking a brisket about 3 weeks ago in an Chargriller with the sfb. Around 9pm my son said I should replace my charcoal box. I said no way, we will get another year out of it. 3am I pick up the charcoal box to shake ash and falls apart, hot coals scatter and yard catches fire. Half asleep, I go for the hose, and it doesn't reach. Go in the house and for the life of me couldn't find a pitcher, bucket or anything but an 8 cup coffee pot. 10 trips and a melted set of sneakers later, the fire was out.
About a year ago was using the Weber poultry roaster to do a beer can chicken on the Weber grill.

Chicken was just about done, and I decided I needed to move the gill with the lid hanging on the side (don't remember why, vodka mod), grill started to tip :eek:, did about a 180 swing with it before I got it upright, chicken went flying on to the deck, 5 second rule :shock:, roaster and coals stayed with the grill.
Brought everything into the house and almost tripped on the rug at the door, chicken stayed, grease and juices ended up on the carpet. Wife napping in the bedroom so it never happened:icon_blush:
my first smoke on an offset brinkman
smoked with wood blazing fire cause that what i saw on telivision or so i thought they were doin and man was that stuff flatt ass burn't up.
went to the trash and never tried that again.
got back into smokin and bought a lang 60 model after a lot of research on how to do that sort of thing and now i'm still learning but at least i can eat the stuff i smoke.
i guess that a good thing huh.
About 12 years ago before I got my BGE I was smoking a turkey on my gas grill with wood chips. The grill had a glass window and I had all this nice smoke billowing out all around it. Went in the house for a while until I heard someone yell "the grill is on fire"! Looked out back and the grill is engulfed in flames, the glass is gone and the turkey is toast. Melted the siding on the shed.
first smoke ever on a brand new brinkman offset about 15 years ago or so

invited a bunch of friends over, bought the best meat I could find, started the smoker with all oak wood, got it going good then choked down the exhaust and the intake to get the good smoke, threw the meat on and produced some of the worst crap ever made

sad part is friends ate it and didn't complain, had nothing to do with booze, but my brother in law swears that the next day when he passed gas smoke came out