• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

I Like Tacos!


Babbling Farker
Apr 5, 2012
Since I purchased the tortilla press I’ve been making lots of tacos. You just can’t beat the taste of a fresh tortilla. Well I when grocery store shopping yesterday. I went to the Mexican market for a lot of items but Sprouts had Carne Asada on sale so I went across town to get it there. When I got there they were out of it. :sad: Well it was off to another store to get some. I was going to marinate my own but now I running late so a purchased the pre-marinated some.

For dinner I first made up some Pico de Gallo and let it rest in the fridge to get happy.

I bought some more Masa at the Mexican market.

Pinch off a golf ball size portion, roll it into a ball, flatten it somewhat and place it on the press lined with some waxed paper.

Press it down into a tortilla and remove. (Note: This waxed paper didn’t release the tortilla very easily so I switched back to saran wrap)

Now place on a lightly oiled very hot C.I. griddle for 30 to 40 seconds per side and then remove and place in a tortilla warmer.

As I was running late I cooked up the Carne on my weber grill, thinking I could put a full chimney of briquettes on top of my gas grill and get up to temp in a hurry. Here is the chimney all nice and hot.

Meat on. This was flap meat so it cooked up in nothing flat.

Start to make up my tacos by adding cheese, sour cream and some meat.

Now add some Pico and Avo.

Decided to go ahead and plate some up instead of just scarfing them down. Here they are with a Stone Cali-Belgique IPA.

Money Shot below.

Oh yeah! :becky:
Killer !!! I've been looking at some tortilla presses on line but many reviews seem to indicate that the handle breaks after a few uses. Guess you've had no problem ?? recommendations ? thx
Killer !!! I've been looking at some tortilla presses on line but many reviews seem to indicate that the handle breaks after a few uses. Guess you've had no problem ?? recommendations ? thx
Thank you Mike. I've already experienced the handle breaking off of the 1st one I bought. I took it back and they exchanged it without question. They did say that you don't need to push down on it hard. That is how the 1st one broke. If you need to press real hard your masa is to dry.
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Those look awesome!

I made your bourbon orange loin chops yesterday, they rocked. I'll look for more recipe ideas in your upcoming meals.