How long do I let wood season?


Iron Mike

Hello all.

I picked up some apple wood this spring that a neighbor of mine trimmed off his tree. Some of my other neighbor's have pear, cherry and grape vines.

The question is, how long should I let these woods season before they are usable for the smoker?

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!
When I use to season fresh-cut wood, I would season fruitwood for 3 or 4 months, not nearly as long as I would season hickory or oak.
Take 2 pieces and knock them together.
It should have a dull thud, sounds like a broken bat, thats when they're good!

Hardwoods usually 6 months.
Fruit woods dry faster.
I like my wood as fresh as I can get it. I try to have it all used up in less than 6 months so never buy or cut very much at a time. Thing to remember though is I use it sparingly when it is still green and a little more the older it gets.
I think it all depends on the type of wood and whether it is split or not but all in all I would say one season is appropriate, that is what all of the pre-sacked wood is.

I harvest Bradford pear all the time. The first thing I do is cut, split & chunk into final size for smoker. That way, its dry enough in about 3 months.