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Knows what a fatty is.
Jul 5, 2014
I have a 11 lbs Boston Butt but I'm wondering if I'm too late?
It's been in the freezer for 11 month and 2 weeks.
How do I know if it's bad? If it smells like normal, is it ok or is there anything more I have to look for?

It has been in the freezer from day one after I bought in from the butcher.

Really hope to cook it this coming weekend:)
Frozen meat normally just loses quality with time vs actually going bad. Once it thaws use your nose of course like you would even fresh food, but I've cooked butts, ribs, chicken that was a year old with no issues.
Frozen meat normally just loses quality with time vs actually going bad. Once it thaws use your nose of course like you would even fresh food, but I've cooked butts, ribs, chicken that was a year old with no issues.

When pork is bad, it smells bad; but if it were frozen while it was good, that would not be the issue at hand.

If it were sealed in a tight Cyropack from the factory, void of air, you will be good.

If it's a normal loose wrap, look for signs of freezer burn. It will be obvious if it is.. due to discoloration of the fat and meat.

Freezer burn will have an off flavor, but one can trim away the freezer burnt parts where it is discolored and you should be good without an off flavor..
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Wen pork is bad, it smells bad, but if it were frozen while it was good, that would not be the issue at hand.

If it were sealed in a tight Cyropack from the factory, void of air, you will be good.

If it's a normal loose wrap, look for sign of freezer burn. It will be obvious if it is due to discoloration of the fat and meat. Freezer burn will have an off flavor, but one can trim away the freezer burnt parts where it is discolored and you should be good.

100% correct.... If cryogenic or vaccum packed can last two years if done right...
No problem with safety, might have some freezer burn if was not properly wrapped. Go ahead defrost in fridge and cook it up, if it taste funny due to freezer burn the dog will love you for it, or sauce it up. Some folks cut the burn off others use vinegar on the freezer burn don't know if that works and cutting it off really don't get rid of the taste IMO.
18 months in cryovac is the longest I have ever held a butt. I thawed it and cook it with a fresh never frozen butt and nobody could tell the difference.
I have a Duroc Butt I found in the bottom of my deep freeze that i put in there 4 years ago and forgot about. Im throwing it on the big smoker this weekend while Im doing a wing brisket cook. I will try to get a few pics and report back how it turns out.