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I've just installed a new Oven due to the untimely death of the previous one and she has a 'Slow Cooker' option that I'm experimenting with.

I've reheated Brisket (mopped with some meat juices and foiled) and it came out surprisingly succulent and moist.
When I foodsaver stuff I always try to add some of the juice from the foil. I used to do the boiling trick but I've had problems with the bags bursting before the meat was hot. So now I throw the frozen bag in the microwave, still sealed, and put it on about 60% power for a few minutes (#minutes varies according to bag size). Basically when the bag starts to expand (balloon mod) it's ready. Always juicy this way.
jt said:
When I foodsaver stuff I always try to add some of the juice from the foil. I used to do the boiling trick but I've had problems with the bags bursting before the meat was hot. So now I throw the frozen bag in the microwave, still sealed, and put it on about 60% power for a few minutes (#minutes varies according to bag size). Basically when the bag starts to expand (balloon mod) it's ready. Always juicy this way.

Have you tried the infamous foodsaver bag in the dishwasher trick?

It's for Tenor's and Baritone's only though.
qman said:
"nuking" meat, Q or not in the microwave does change it. However, the microwave is a fairly sophisticated kitchen tool, and it does have speeds other than maximum or "nuke". You actually can reheat Q gently in a micro, the equivelenent of low and slow. It, like a smoker takes some learning to master....

I've tried making various aluminum baffles with varying diameter holes to put in the top of the microwave to help block the "nuke" mode, but I only get a funny lightning show and alot of noise.

Have you ever put a burned-out incandescent light bulb in the microwave and turned it on? (do-not-try-this-at-home mod)
RichardF said:
I can't remember where I read it, but someone with a food-saver likes to throw the bags into the dishwasher. else wood a fellar use that bag agin' if'n he dint warsh it?

Ken (eatin' my version of a "Frito Pie": Two slices of thick white bread piled high with pulled pork, a little homemade "Devil Dawg" BBQ sauce, topped with some chili and layered in Fritos.)
I just take the Q from the fridge, open wide and say

"Get In Mah Belly!"

It gets warmed up the old fashioned way.


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