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Bob in St. Louis

Babbling Farker
Jul 31, 2012
St. Louis Missouri of the time when my family wants a burger, the wife brings home a 5# package of ground beef and says, "Cook us burgers".
Sound easy enough, right?

Well, this "ground beef" from the grocery store has never set right with me. On the grill it seems fine, but on the stove it smells funny it even looks funny. In a couple days it turns an odd shade of grey and smells rancid. Somehow I've allowed my wife to continue feeding this to us (none of us have died, to date) as the final product seems to look, smell and taste fine.

She's accepted this as "what ground beef should taste like". :sick:

I've had enough and want to blow her mind (before she kills us).

Once in my life I bought some beef and some pork, ground it together (I do own a hand-crank grinder) and made some burgers. They were well received, but that was a LONG time ago.

What I want are your recipes. I want to make something that can show her what ground meat is supposed to look like, taste like and smell like. I wouldn't mind having some extra ground up for her dinners in the few nights to come so we can all taste her "usual" meals with REAL meat that I've ground up.
I'm thinking this would re-invent "Mexican night".

Assuming you're still reading, I'm not looking for what kind of bread you use on your burger, or what species of tomato. I want to know what "Grind" you use, and any special "touches" you do to the meat.

Thanks all. And of course I'll report back with news and photos!
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I have my butcher grind on request, or I grind my own, I use eye of round, or top round, mixed 60/40 with brisket. Occasionally I will throw some lean pork in the mix (10%) just for something different once in a while.

For burgers I use a Vienna style roll which is like a very soft kaiser roll. They seem to soak up the juices from the burger and keep that beefy flavor in there.

My favorite tomato to use on burgers is two thin slices of Oxheart tomatoes.

I season with Oakridge Santa Maria Steak Seasoning, now I'm craving a burger.
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I seldom buy the tubes o meat. Usually get the stuff that's ground in the store. As for the cut, I usually pick up what's on sale. 73%, 80%, chuck, sirloin, whatever. Add some S&P, splash or two of worch, sometimes add some Dale's seasoning. For spices, depends, sometimes I'll mix in just just S&P, sometimes Uncle' Chris's, Oakridge Santa Maria, Peppered Cow, Memphis Mud, Montreal. Depends on the day. Add Hatch peppers on top if ya got em. And toast that bun!
Growing up mom always picked out the best chuck roast she could find and have in ground or we would grind it at home. My experience is when it is fresh ground and the fat is fresh it taste so much better.
I use a 3/16 plate to grind my burger meat. One single grind. I cut the meat into semi small cubes or cuboids and put them into the freezer until they firm up a bit as they grind better that way.

My favorite "recipe" is about 2 parts chuck to one part short rib meat. Although, simply good chuck makes a mean burger. If you were going with a wow flavor and didn't mind splurging one time I'd go straight short rib meat, but the 2 parts to 1 combo is pretty dang close. IMO

The only "regular" cut of steak I've ever really enjoyed ground as a burger is a NY strip. The others like tenderloin and even the mighty ribeye don't have enough punch for me. I just prefer the flavor of short rib and chuck.

As a cheapskate I am a fan of brisket flat when it's on a good deal(<$3/lb) to use for burgers, chili and soups.
I have recently converted to nothing but ground chuck. This with just salthough and pepper and a little thumb print and it is a everytime
buy it off the farm. around here someone will butcher an old cow and grind the whole thing roast steaks everything into burger and sell it by the pound. i'll pick up 50 to 100 lbs. it goes around 2 bucks lbs. and it taste great!! if I buy burger from the store I think ground chuck is the best, round or sirloin is to lean for me and I don't like the favor as much.
Step #1 Buy a brisket.
Step #2 Grind it yourself.
Step #3 Make patties.

Ok...well.. yea...
I can't spend $60 and tell the wife "These will be better than...."
She's spending $15 for three times as much meat, so my argument will be invalid. I should have specified a "price per pound". But honestly, I don't know what she's paying for the garbage she's buying now. But it's certainly not brisket prices (I hope to God).
Ok...well.. yea...
I can't spend $60 and tell the wife "These will be better than...."
She's spending $15 for three times as much meat, so my argument will be invalid. I should have specified a "price per pound". But honestly, I don't know what she's paying for the garbage she's buying now. But it's certainly not brisket prices (I hope to God).
here brisket is around 3.59lbs. and burger is 2.99 on sale and 3.99 when it isn't
My wife buys ground chuck for $5.99/lb. I buy grass-fed brisket for $2.99-$4.99/lb. and frequently grind them for burgers when I have more than 3 or 4 on hand. I usually add some quality pork trimmings that I keep from ribs that is in the freezer.

Like you, the idea of burger turning gray in a day or two in the fridge makes me cringe.
Y'all have some of the best butcher shops in the world way back from the cattledrive days! I would sure be taking advantage of that. Garbage in, garbage out. I'll bet you can find a happy medium. Price vs. Quality.
Great Hamburger Meat

I make great burger quite often and here is the last batch I made straight off of my webpage.

Time to make up some good burger (60/40) blend with four nice choice chuck roasts and the wonderful fat I cut off of my choice whole ribeye loin. I use this burger meat for grilling up the very best medium rare hamburgers that I have ever tasted.


My four choice chuck roasts weighed a total of 12.29 pounds and the choice ribeye steak fat came in at 3.42 pounds.



Got the meat and fat cut up and ready for the grinder.


Yea buddy....this gonna be some good stuff. Look at all that white color (fat) in the container of meat. Fat is flavor, fat is moisture, and fat is everything in a burger sandwich.


Ready for the vacuum sealer.


Vacuum sealed 15 packages of about a pound each of that beautiful burger meat.

A burger made out of this wonderful meat blend and cooked to about 130 degrees (medium rare) will require a person to use a bib as the juice will not only run down both sides of your chin, the juice will also run down your arm!
Bob, your post today here inspired me to make this just for you:


Gotta have some fries:


You've received some great advice so far - the burger I made was from fresh store bought 80/20 ground chuck, but you'll be in better shape if you either grind it yourself, or hand the chuck of your choice to the butcher and have him grind it for you. And if you happen to throw in some short rib meat, all the better!

Season the burger patty generously with sea salt or Lawry's and a nice twist of fresh ground pepper before it hits the grill and you're all set.
I've had good results with Sams 80/20 ground chuck. They grind in store several times a day and you can see the color difference compared to the tube stuff. They sell in tray packs, last I bought it was $2.58 a pound. I divide into smaller quantities, wrap in clear plastic wrap and then vacuum seal. The plastic wrap keeps the juice from being sucked out.
I use pre package 80/20 I season it with what I feel like from my seasoning shelf If I buy it a few days before I plan to grill it I will freeze it and then thaw it prior to the cook This prevents that ugly grey color I have been thinking about grinding my own I also want to try the Kings Hawaiian Rolls