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we gave all of our stuff to the Troy Action Crew. The only folks that came into our site were the staff dumping our trash, sweeping our spot, etc.....:rolleyes:

The only person that came by looking for a sample ( and that was because another friend sent him our way) was the Mayor, who is a competitor.

Well once people knew we have the Amazing Spiderman in the site... they stayed out. Seriously though, considering all the peeps out there, I figured we would have more issues than we did. I have never had someone take something off of my turn in cutting board.... but I was not worried about this weekend.

The Troy action crew took good care of us, and genuinely appreciated the grub. While they were eatin our grub, we were eating clams with Yanni's!!!

People enjoying contests is what brings sponsors, sponsors bring prize dollars -- so I am all for interaction with the public. We have not had the issues some here have; As a rule, extras go to the volunteers first, if there are no vendors we will give some away to those "interested"/nice/polite folk. Otherwise, we point folks to the vendors.
You are right Andy. We are who the general public look at while they are trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
I think part of the problem is that the general public doesn't understand the process. I know the first time I went to a cook-off (long before joining this forum), I thought that my entrance fee was buying me samples from all the competitors. Because, if it wasn't then what was it buying?

I understand better now, but I'd still question paying a fee just to watch people cook.

Here is my sign I'm hanging at next weekends comp.

Dear Kind Folks,

Uncle Bud and his kin would like to thank ya’ll for letting us compete in this here BBQ cook off. Ifin this is ya’lls first time to one of these cook contest we thought it may help ya to know some things.

We had to pay an entry fee to come here and try to win one of them little plastic trophies. We aint complain in cause we had the money since Junior decided he didn’t need to get this teeth straighten since they were all a fallen out and stuff. But we really can’t be letting ya try our BBQ. And the folks that are a sellin the BBQ get might mad at us if we did. And we had to buy all of the meat since the twister came and took all the livestock.

Ifin ya got questions bout our cookers or how we make our BBQ just ask. We love to talk about it but not when we’re a try in to get it ready fer the judging. That’s between bout 11am and 1:30pm. Any other time we are glad to talk to ya.
early on I used to keep my work table right out front which was a big mistake! now with the kitchen set-up in back people walk by and some will start up conversation if they seem sincere and nice we will offer a taste. We have also had the popele who just grap food (chips, etc) right off of our dining table. And we do get a lot of people who think it is included in their admission to the event!
We ran into a whole different thing this weekend. There were vendors for pulled pork and dogs but apparently no one was vending anything to drink. There were lots of folks trying to buy water, pop, or anything else wet from us!
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I will give out samples to people who are polite, show an interest in what we are doing, and have manners. Being female also gets you a sample no matter what.
I was lucky enough to strike up a conversation with a team friday evening at a recent event. As I want to start judging and later on competing, I asked a lot of questions but tried not to be annoying. As I was leaving they asked if I was coming back on Saturday, I said 'Yep, just as early as I can get in the gate'. Saturday they allowed me to actually be right there as they prepped the turn-ins AND try a few samples. Talk about jackpot! Of course I stayed out of the way and didn't talk to them as they were prepping. We did talk some more after turn-in and I was invited to the awards with them.

As one of the general public (for now), I really did appreciate the education handed out and the general good vibe that was there. I was there to listen & learn and the sample taste was more to get an idea of what it's supposed to taste like. Not fill my belly.

Thanks Tim & Brent.

I guess my point is, there are some of us public who aren't there to get a free handout (other than some Q education).


It was great to have you around.
No problem at all.

We recieved a lot of help when we first started from other teams.
Still do, for that matter :oops:

It is just the right thing to do for a new team.

See Ya at Clermont.

we enjoy handing out samples, AFTER turn in. we cut up or shred everything small enough to get a taste but not to fill up on, even had them ask if we sold sandwiches or platters then we send them to the vendors. On the subect of vendors we have had more than several people at several contest come back through after eating from the vendors and tell us, and other teams they wished they hadn't gone to the vendors after after having what we didnt turn in.
we have found most people very polite and wanting to sample only not fill up, we also sell tshirts, so we say free samples when you buy a shirt
Veteran chili competition cook here, and have seen just about everything
at one time or another. I haven't seen too many people just crash in and
grab (as others have seen). More often than not we get nice people asking all types of questions (from can I sample, to how do you do this, or just
where are you from) when we need to be focusing on turn in. We now put
a table out front with a few trophies for display and this sign:


As far as handing out samples, generally if we're not thwarting vendor
efforts and it's allowable, we'll hand out a little. More often than not we
dont have tons of extra to hand out. BBQ is different than chili this way.
In chili cookoffs you make quite a bit specifically for crowd hand-out.
We have the responsibility to the venue (making it enjoyable for the
attendee) as well as the competition.