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Thank the Lord but we have never run into folks who just snatch food. How rude! But we have had those who want to chat during that critical time period..

Uncle Bud

Thank the Good Lord we live in Dixie, Bud. Such bad behavior is quite rare here because Mama taught us better than that. Of course, no telling what those Yankee Invaders might do...


This last weekend it was really nice out so we decided to do all our prep outisde instead of in the trailer. Its amazing how the group forms and then begins to move closer and closer. Almost feel like the mouse as the cat is stalking you.:-o:-o:-o Had a few instances where a friendly person got a rib end or something and had people try and pull food right off the cutting board.:evil::evil::evil: I have been told I have a loud voice when necessary and it seems I yelled at a few people.:mad::mad::mad: Boy those hands disappear quicker then my kids do when I am mad.:lol: The best was when I offered two slices of brisket to a "friendly". They only took one piece as I turned to do something. At that point someone else picked up my knife and started to cut the second piece on top of my table...not even on the cutting board.:confused::confused::confused: Well everyone on the team got loud then and we quickly packed up everything. :wink:

I will give a taste to the "friendlys" but will not feed then. I also direct them to the vendors in general unless I have a buddy vending then I send to that specific one. I claim they cook the same or similar. Most GP won't know the difference. :lol:

Ohh man we saw the crowd over there. We do our prep deep in our site and have tables to block access. Did give out a couple pieces of brisket and ribs to folks that had been there the day before (Friendlys).
Ohh man we saw the crowd over there. We do our prep deep in our site and have tables to block access. Did give out a couple pieces of brisket and ribs to folks that had been there the day before (Friendlys).

Yeah. Either someone from the day before or someone truly interested...or at least talking a good talk. :grin:

I sent them to the vendors then. Actually had people make comments about one person getting a sample and not them. Arguing "why them and not me?!?!" I told them their attitude should answer that question. We have sponsors though and a friend in the person who makes our pit. If a piece of food will keep them around to hear the schpeil or look at our pit we'll do it. Just don't want to take away from the vendors. I'm hoping Jay gets a call on a spicewine since one guy was in love with the unit. Tried to show him everything. Even opened the chamber and firebox during my cook to show him. Brian at Huntingdon should be getting calls on grates as well as a woman who want a sewing machine table top made. Odd but hey its work.
Thank the Good Lord we live in Dixie, Bud. Such bad behavior is quite rare here because Mama taught us better than that. Of course, no telling what those Yankee Invaders might do...



I wanted to respond to this but unfortunately I've got no defense. many a true word is spoken in jest. You win.:oops::oops::oops:
We don’t mind giving out some samples, but for the most part we keep everything that is left over. At our contests (Hasn’t been many 3) when we cook we have people that want to buy our leftovers. But if someone ever grabbed something off our tray or turn in box, I would crack him or her in the forehead.
As a team we will not "feed" anyone but our friends and family. If, during the process of the competition, we meet some nice people, who are friendly, and introduce themselves, they will get a sample.
If you have your own plate, sorry, nothing for you
If you insist that i give you something, it'll be a boot in the arse
If you come over to me and say nice grill, can i have a beer, no chance

I dont get where these people get off, thank god last year at the Battle of The BBQ Brethren we had signs that said we will not give out samples, not allowed and please go see the vendors.
Even with the signs people insist on getting something, just for walking around like a jack off.

If you are so interested in competition bbq, sign up, offer to help, but dont expect to just show up and get fed.
Part of the problem with the public at comps is that(at some events) the media advertising tends to be on the deceptive side. I heard a number of radio ads for the DC comp with variations on "come out and taste some of the best BBQ around" and so forth. So John Q public hears this, goes to the event, pays an admission fee and then is told that the competitors don't give away food, he has to buy it from the vendors. (Oh, the horror:eek:) While I don't agree with it, I can understand why some people who come to comps might have a sense of entitlement.
At a contest when people ask if we sell our BBQ. I tell them I wanted to, but we did not pass the health dept. inspection. :eek: Then I offer them a small sample :eek::eek: They usually decline.
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Maybe I'll start leaving raw chicken on a table on Friday afternoon - then by Saturday people won't want to get close. :eek:

Note to Rookie48 Dave - zip it! :twisted:
I agree with some of the others not there to feed the public ..
Thank the Good Lord we live in Dixie, Bud. Such bad behavior is quite rare here because Mama taught us better than that. Of course, no telling what those Yankee Invaders might do...

I really wanted to argue with you after reading this too, but really all I can say is please sir do not judge all of us Yankees by the behavior of folks from Troy........I don't want to say anything bad about the place but it ain't in too many tourist guides.

we gave all of our stuff to the Troy Action Crew. The only folks that came into our site were the staff dumping our trash, sweeping our spot, etc.....:rolleyes:

The only person that came by looking for a sample ( and that was because another friend sent him our way) was the Mayor, who is a competitor.
We only give to friends and family, and just freeze the rest.
Part of the problem with the public at comps is that(at some events) the media advertising tends to be on the deceptive side. I heard a number of radio ads for the DC comp with variations on "come out and taste some of the best BBQ around" and so forth. So John Q public hears this, goes to the event, pays an admission fee and then is told that the competitors don't give away food, he has to buy it from the vendors. (Oh, the horror:eek:) While I don't agree with it, I can understand why some people who come to comps might have a sense of entitlement.

I think part of the problem is that the general public doesn't understand the process. I know the first time I went to a cook-off (long before joining this forum), I thought that my entrance fee was buying me samples from all the competitors. Because, if it wasn't then what was it buying?

I understand better now, but I'd still question paying a fee just to watch people cook.
wheres your first contest?

Hudson Valley Rib Fest. Looking forward to meeting many of you there. I am only doing the KCBS not the NEBS but I plan to arrive Friday just for the hang and experience. I was lucky enough to hang with SIDE and BBQ Gnome at Green Valley so I got a feel for things there. Very excited about jumping in. Doing a full on practice cook this weekend so we won't make the comp down in south Jersey.