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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Batch Image
Oct 19, 2009
Gold Coast, Queensland! (Finally Escaped Melbourne
Name or Nickame
G'Day Bruces':becky:

It's been a while since I posted a cook. If it turns out I'm wrong about this it could very well be my last post because I'll have died of food poisoning.:rip::rip::rip:

Part of this thread is to enter the hot and fast TD, part is to prove that bacteria don't spontaneously generate, and part is to show why you should put stuffing in a bird where it belongs and not bake it like a cake on it's own in an oven.

So, if you're hoping this is my last post, please read on!

The first thing I did, was find a Turkey that was about to out to the supermarket dumpster.


OK, it's not a huge turkey but it's more than sufficient for this demonstration. I bought it on the 27th. It should have been off the shelf by then, but they must have missed it. A BRINED sealed turkey... AKA STERILE. At 50% off = SCORE!

Anyway, I was busy so I left it in the fridge for another day, just to invite further disaster.:crazy:

Then I assembled my list of ingerdients.

First step is to MAKE the stuffing.





Just one thing about the stuffing. I made it a little wetter than I wanted. One egg would probably have been enough.

Onto the Turkey!

After I took it out of the plastic, it smelled ... you guessed it... FINE!:becky:

Washed and dried, the first thing then is to separate the skin from the flesh. Common turkey issues are that the breast is dry, and the legs are tough. Classic white / dark meat issue. To help in lessening the disparity of doneness you have to treat the SKIN as your friend. Skin keeps what is on the bird IN, and what is out of the bird OUT. So, do the following if you want to have moist breast flesh, or moist flesh everywhere.






And then onto the stuffing!

I put the leftover stuffing and herb butter in a ziplock bag and froze it, Then prettied up the bird.



Here's how it looked 2 days later!

And it smelled fantastic!

I prepared a trivet of root veg and celery to catch any juices.

Thanks Buccs!


Taa Daaaah!

And that's it for now. I gotta go out, so I'll finish this off when I get back... Unless of course.... Ack:puke::sick::rip:

Hope to see you soon!
Looking forward to this one. I've got a cheap bird in my freezer now. Just waiting for the right weekend to fix it.
I wish others would quit listening to the "experts" (food police) and use methods that have worked for generations!
We've been through this battle before and I just want to say to the people that tried to "educate" us on that thread......You do things your way and don't tell the rest of us that our way is wrong! :laugh:
Hold it!... Hold it!... Wait for it!..... It takes time for all them "lectrons" to make it to the top of the world from way down under! Have faith, he will return at any moment. Rome wasn't built in a day, and smoking a turkey filled with gooey stuffing takes proper time. It ain't done til it is done.

Blessings and prayers sent out to:
Quintessential Chatty Farker

May he return to us unscathed and with a full belly of turkey and dressing, and a little cranberry sauce if he goes for such a thing.

I'd like some but we are trying to get through the premium Tasmanian Smoked Salmon($80/kg ) that I bought for $30 because the used by expired in December.
Isn't that 'last year'?
Yeah, cured smoked salmon!

Knowing about food science really pays off, and my insurance is paid up so....where are the dang pictures Bill?
Right... sorry.

I just scored 10 packs of lamb shanks.. 20 Shanks at $4.00 each marked down to $1.00 each... Display till TODAY!:clap2:

Does that really add up to a saving of $60.00:mrgreen::mrgreen:

Well, they'll be fine in the fridge for another week, so, if the Turkey doesn't kill me the lamb sure will! :pound::madgrin::madgrin::madgrin:

Anyway. I'm clearly still alive ( Thanks to all for your concern )

Now, it's time to move to the Hot and Fast part of the thread!

SO. I cranked up the Performer with a lot of lump and it levelled out here...

And on she goes!

And I left it till here with the FOOD probe in the stuffing.

Already up a few degrees before I rest it.

I transferred the veg to a smaller pan to crisp up and put them in a hot oven.

The large pan went on a stove burner to make some gravy.

The bird temp came up to 156F with seriously no drainage of juices to speak of.

This was IT!

Because the STUFFING prevents the loss of fluid when it is in the cavity, and any fluid that does leak out will get sucked into the root veg and really assist with flavour of the spuds, carrots and onions!:clap::clap::clap:

And here is the root veg looking great.

And what of that Turkey??? Look at the steam bursting out!!

THERE, my BBQ Brothers is all you need to see. That stuffing is hot and belting out superheated water known as STEAM. If there was anything in that bird that was gonna kill you, it's long dead now. Not only that, the stuffing soaks up the fluids and adds back during resting. You've all seen how a pulled pork can suck up a stock. It's no different here. You have the means to make a moist bird. All you need is to put the fluid BUFFER in the cavity.:thumb:

Looks moist to me!

Here is a plated shot with the root veg and the stuffing (which was awesome)

Honestly Fellas. The stuffing belongs in the BIRD. Other arguments about bacteria and all that other ****??? Well, never mind. What you see is how it is. I had a great dinner with great flavour. I'm still alive and I've got lots of leftovers, including the Turkey carcass which is gonna make me a great soup.

Hope you like this, and give it a go. You're not gonna die!


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Looks delicious, Bill.
I would eat that in a heartbeat.
Grew up on turkey cooked that way, in oven, but still same technique.