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I have a prime strip loin from Costco in the fridge in a dry bag right now.

Me too.
Got mine in the bag on June 5, I think I am going to pull it Wed, 7/3 after 28 days. I sure hope it lives up to the hype. The Prime cut of meat looked great before hand.

My temps have been running from 34-41 while trying not to freeze other shelves in the fridge. It's on the top shelf of an older fridge in the garage and gets get airflow from the blower fan just above it in the back.

It was a little tricky getting a good seal with my older Foodsaver. I had to be very delicate pulling it off the heating element after letting it cool. Compared to my usual vac packing, it seemed a little sloppy with a few air pockets, but it seem to contract and reduce them after a few days probably due to dehydration.

So far it looks good with no funny, skanky parts visible from my inspections.

I' ll try to post my results in a few days and my test eat ( hopefully without any visits to my healthcare providers ). ;)
Nice knife! I just recently broke down and bought a Shun 8" Chef knife and I love it!! Best knives on the market.
Kenji over at Serious Eats has an awesome write-up on dry aging. He tried the dry bags and wasn't a fan.

Awesome job, DM. I can't wait to try this.

I read that piece too.
From his pics and description, I don't think he got a good vac seal and wonder whether it had a major effect on the final product. I've got a great vac seal on my strip loin and guess the bag has +98% contact with the meat surface compared to his bag pic.

I guess I will find out if it made a difference in a few days.
I have a foodsaver verticle 3800 series Any reason why that would not work with this

The Umai folks now have a FoodSaver specific "Vac Mouse" that now helps you seal using a FoodSaver. I've used it and it works great. It's just a special sleeve you cut and use to trick your FoodSaver. Plenty of info on the web site mentioned above.