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Knows what a fatty is.
Jul 12, 2013
Mansfield, MA
Hi all, we're doing a cooking demonstration for charity. We will be cooking pork butts and ribs along with sides for the viewing audience to serve after the demonstration. The organizer would like us to arrive about 90 minutes before the event to set up for the audience and video crew, as we're showing how to make rubs, sauces, injections ect.

It's a 45 minute drive to the location and I can hold the pork butts in the Cambro until we have to pull for the audience. We will heat any sides that need it at the location as they have a full kitchen. It's the ribs that we're unsure of. We'll take them off the pit, vent them and rewrap in the foil, load up and drive to the location. My question is how long will the ribs hold in a Cambro? We might not be slicing the ribs until they've been off the pit for 3 hours. Will they hold long enough where we can put them in the oven, wrapped in foil to set the glaze, right before serving? We have never held ribs longer than 1 hour at a competition, so have no clue if this is feasible. Any advise we can get would be greatly appreciated!
from my experience last night/today, I threw my ribs on at about 2.30am last night, and the ones served at 3pm (vs 12pm) were the best. Not sure the context of the event you're doing, just speaking anecdotally from my experience today
Will be no problem in the Cambro Ed, esp once you steam them off, sauce and put them in. I would wrap in food wrap as opposed to foil and then in Cambro
Does that mean you let the ribs cool down to room temp if you're using food wrap? Heating them back up wouldn't have any negative effects? As oppose to keep it warm and hold?
Will be no problem in the Cambro Ed, esp once you steam them off, sauce and put them in. I would wrap in food wrap as opposed to foil and then in Cambro

Thanks for the tip Bill, it worked perfectly!

Never heard of venting/steaming ribs. What is it?

We vent meats that have been wrapped in foil by opening the foil to let them slightly cool down to stop the cooking process, usually for 10 minutes or so. The meat is still very hot when rewrapped and will hold in a cooler or cambro for a while. Big meats such as pork butts or brisket will hold this way for several hours and still be very hot.
No problem holding ribs in the cambro for 3 hours. If you are storing small amounts of meat in a cambro, make sure you pre-heat it with hot water so your temps stay high. Using the meats to heat up a cool cambo (which they are in the winter) takes the place of "venting" for me. I usually don't wrap them in foil for this period of hold time. More wrapping means more work and more of the bark coming off the ribs and onto whatever you are wrapping them with.