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Rob Albach

Hello all,

I'm in the Navy stationed out at 29 palms Ca... We will be retiring to the great state of Texas(San Antonio) this fall....I love to to BBQ/Smoke all kinds of food. I have a custom Meadow Creek TS120/BBQ42 trailer.


My BBQ History/Bio

1992 Southern CA. small electric grill in my barracks room
1994 Okinawa Small portable propane grill
1998 Southern NM. Regular Sized propane grill-->
2000 dicovered at friends house that charcoal imparts great flavor to food..;)
2001 Okinawa Japan...ditched propane(forever) got small Weber Kettle...neighbor who was moving gives me 3-4 bags of hickory wood chips.
2002 Over a year later finally tried wood chips and indirect cooking on wood smoke imparts incredible flavor to food.
2006 purchase/start using Charbroil horizontal offset smoker--->people like food, start doing small events/gatherings for Co-workers....
2007 29 Palms CA..Purchased Ray Lampe's book on BBQ...I start playing with rubs. I also took his stern advise on not (par-boiling) ribs.
I properly rub and smoke/cook some ribs(heaven). Discover that par-boiled ribs suck in general(will never desecrate ribs like that again)...:)
Started playing with bigger cuts of meat, Brisket & Pork shoulder.
People like food even more, I begin to contemplate more capacity(maybe mobile??).
2008 Fathers Day.... purchase Charbroil vertical smoker with offset F-box...More capacity but pain in butt to use and haul around.
2009 summer.......Needs exceed capacity...start seriously thinking about mobile pit
2009 Dec....TLC BBQ Pitmasters series begins<-----"Nail in the coffin for me"---"straw that broke the camels back and the bank :)"
Start researching trailer pits... come's down to Lang Vs. Meadow Creek
Dec 31st 2009. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year..Purchased Meadow Creek trailer TS120 with BBQ42 and some other bells and whistles.

Our team name is AZTEC BBQ, we've competed 3 time so far...and done pretty well...

Havasu 2010 2nd in Chicken
Scottsdale 2010 7th in ribs
Havasu 2011 1st in Ribs

We've met alot of great folks in the BBQ community and look forward to meeting some more....:-D
Welcome from Indiana!

Thanks for your service!

Welcome! Thanks for your service.Always room in Texas for folks like you.

Welcome HOME!:thumb:
From one newbie to another WELCOME aboard! This is a pun because I own a marina.

That is one nice rig you've got there and a lot of history to go with it.

Last but not least WE DO THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE! God bless!

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