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It was absolutely fantastic to meat, and re-meat, and hang with so many Brethren! It seems I missed you Jorge, I never did get up on the hill, and I only saw Poohbah from afar. Next year...

As for the rib bet... I hit up almost everyone on Saturday after awards. If I missed you... you know who you are. Get yer butts to Scotty's website and PAY UP! It was much fun and I am SO happy to have helped out.

Even from up on the hill I feel like I know Sully pretty well:wink:

I carried the cash to Scottie for Bad Bones and I Like Smoke-N-Lightning BBQ. I never enjoy being on the losing end of a bet, but knowing it was going to a good cause made it a lot easier....seeing how much Scottie appreciated it made it a pleasure.