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Chicken Thighs, Sausage & Hamburger thawed
Rib Eye,Chuck Roast phrozen solid
Wants will be decided from these
Needs are a couple Phattys and a quality boudin (not an easy find on The High Plains

Then again it’s supposed to be sephenty phive degrees on Sunday
May do a Sunday Drive and chase down a couple Allsups Burritos

Bottom Line?? TBD
Everyone have a saphe smokin weekend
Happy Phriday, Pholks! I'll ask SWMBO what I (or she) am cooking this weekend (most likely oven grub since she loves to cook in the oven during the few months a year where the oven doesn't kick the A/C on more than needed) when she finishes her grocery run today.
Happy Phryday Pholks!
Tonight, pork schnitzel and phried taters on the Blackstone.
Tomorrow, might take the wiphe somewhere. She's suphering phrom cabin phever, which means I'M suphering!
Iph it cheers her up, I'll bring her back home. Iph not...

Sunday, I'm thinking wings and ribs phor the Phive Hundred.

Have a great weekend everyone!
As per usual, there's all sorts of great stuph happenin' among The Brethren.

Tonight, I'm making a new attempt at homemade Nashville Hot Chicken.

Saturday, CINCHOUSE requested some Husk Cheeseburgers.

Sunday, CINCHOUSE requested another go at those Rick Bayless Dynamite Wings (this time in drumstick form, as wings are wicked expensive here).
I have some St Louis ribs on now phor tonight.
Tomorrow is planned pfor smashburgers.
Sunday is yet tbd but I’m trying to look at some poolish vids, and iph my wiphe and grandkids lepht me any phlower I may make pizza. Otherwise, is phreezer lephtovers.

Happy weekend!