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JD McGee

somebody shut me the fark up.
Jun 28, 2007
Duvall, WA
Friday Night usual...not sure what just yet. 2 butts, a briskie, and 3 racks of bb's for a party on Saturday...nuttin' on Sunday...:cool: Have a great weekend folks! :p
Boston Butt tomorrow! I am so pumped, hah, cant wait!
Gonna take the Stoker on it's maiden voyage tonight, plan to do a 9lb butt on the BGE. Depending on the weather, it may get postponed till tomorrow night.
Doing a double smoked ham,couple of fatties and some ABT's maybe a few moinks. neighbor is having a small Christmas party tomorrow...only have the 3 Webers and his big gasser (that we've smoked on before) to work with so whatever we have room for.

Have a smokin weekend guys and gals!
I'm picking up the last of the Lamb ribs and doing one last test. If it works out, I'll trim, marinate, cryo-suck and freeze the rest (about 8-9 slabs) for New Years Eve...

(It's a secret so don't tell any of the Greeks!).

I may also do up some beef ribs on Saturday just for me!
Gonna take the Stoker on it's maiden voyage tonight, plan to do a 9lb butt on the BGE. Depending on the weather, it may get postponed till tomorrow night.

Good luck with that; there is 2,000 miles of rain stacked up in the Pacific. They say it's going to rain hard for a week straight.

I get my Egg tomorrow. Looks like I'm going to build it in the garage and stare at it for a week. :mad:
putting on 8 butts tonight and then smoking 10 pounds of sharp Wisconsin cheddar tomorrow to give out as Christmas gifts.
Hopefully, the pork tenderloins I could not smoke last weekend due to dry windy (wildfire) conditions.

Good luck with that; there is 2,000 miles of rain stacked up in the Pacific. They say it's going to rain hard for a week straight.

I get my Egg tomorrow. Looks like I'm going to build it in the garage and stare at it for a week. :mad:

I am like the postman, rain, sleet, snow...etc :becky:
