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somebody shut me the fark up.
Apr 21, 2010
Biloxi, MS
The steaks were Saturday night, so the seafood was for Sunday night. I grabbed some Gulf shrimp, Bay scallops, jumbo lump crabmeat and crab claws. The jumbo lump and the scallops were comparable in size, which was wonderful. I haven't used the stainless shells in a while, so this seemed appropriate.

First I made a herbed lemon butter with dill, rosemary & basil (with lemon juice and zest). I left garlic out because I wanted the seafood to be the star and it can get lost in garlic pretty quick with these, where you are going for a fresh from the water taste. I seasoned them with some Tony C's and Old Bay with a bit of additional sea salt and fresh cracked white peppercorns. Because I had good bit of seafood, I fried some of the claws and shrimp for my big kid and I fried some chicken strips for the little kid, who still won't eat anything but fried fish in the seafood realm.

I had some sourdough bread to dip the liquid from the shells after eating them.

The color on some of these pictures is pretty bad to say the least, but it is what it is.

The chicken for the little kid.....

I had leftovers and the missus works tonight, so I'm going to eat the fried stuff tonight and make a pasta tomorrow and use the seafood medley and retained butter and juices over it.

Thanks for looking, again.
I think I'm in love. Not a "tingle up your leg MSNBC love". But food love. Yes. Food love.
Aw c'mon already Jason! Do you offer a summer camp for hungry grown men that will wash dishes in exchange for a place at your table? Seriously, seafood is far away my favorite, yet sadly unfulfilled food category, and you. Just. Don't. Quit. Ohmygosh, I think I need a smoke!
Unbelievably epic! Any one of those would be outstanding by themselves, but all together like that? Just wow!