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In all seriousness where are all the HUGE LOCAL COMP supporters? Why is no one going?

Unless you plan on attending, I dont see why you should be so interested in where the locals are. Read the top of the thread, by the time it was announced here, most of the local teams already had plans.
Unless you plan on attending, I dont see why you should be so interested in where the locals are. Read the top of the thread, by the time it was announced here, most of the local teams already had plans.

I will actually be in PA supporting your contest! Que for the troops. So I cant attend I like the PA comp better. Just wondering it was a serious question, but obviously the senstivity level out there is ORANGE so I will go to bed now!!!!!:hand:
I'm a HUGE supporter of local contests :wink:. I'll be in Chicago since you asked..

Seriously, there are probably 25 LI based teams, half or more of which only appear to compete locally in the hotbed of BBQ.

Here's what I see :

- Extremely short notice - many have posted previous commitments at the start of the thread
- high entry fee of $200 for an unknown,
- no clarity on the rules, judging etc.
- no one knows the organizer, nor has he gone out of his way to log onto the interwebs to try to draw some interest via this forum

It's just like the Jack, AR, MIM and Houston Rodeo, only different :heh:

As much as I would've liked to have seen this contest be a success, I have to agree with Vin.
Charlie should've logged on here to promote the hell out of this thing and be available to answer any questions the interested teams may have.
If this contest isn't a success, I am working with the Hicksville Fire Department to put together a one day People's Choice Rib Cook-Off. I know it's not a sanctioned event, but it's an event for the Long Island teams to get together for a day and have a good time, plus there are great prizes!
Just received the following e-mail.

"The contest is being called off since we only had 4 teams respond at this time - we are sorry all checks will be returned

Charlie Razenson"

Poker game at my house that Sat.- who's in.

[shakes head]

I KNOW that he got my app and check, and yet I haven't received an email.

Obviously communication is not his strong point.
nothing here either.

I'm look at this as now I can finish the yardwork before memorial day weekend. :)
I sent my app in over a week ago, and never received an email either. Even after I sent follow up emails and left messages.

Not even any kind of acknowledgment. Why did he even bother?? With just a little effort he could have pulled it off.:tsk:
Hahhahahah this totally made my day! Everybody was so quick to jump down my throat when i questioned this deal. Now everybody jumping on the band wagon about communication from the organizer etc. Seemed like a shady deal to me from the start. The guy might be a nice guy with good intentions but lets be realistic. Nobody knew him and it didn't seem that he had any organizing experience. That why I was on it about sanctioning etc. Yes everybody's gotta start somewhere. If he had some sort of sanctioning at least that part would of been taken care and given teams some assurance. . Flip coin, if he had organizing experience then doing it non sanctioned would of been fine to . He had neither. At least have one side of the deal. i guess with only 4 teams signing up i wasn't the only one who had doubts, (just the only one who would go public about it ) . This guy couldn't even send an email, how do you think he would of ran a contest?
Hahhahahah this totally made my day! Everybody was so quick to jump down my throat when i questioned this deal. Now everybody jumping on the band wagon about communication from the organizer etc. Seemed like a shady deal to me from the start. The guy might be a nice guy with good intentions but lets be realistic. Nobody knew him and it didn't seem that he had any organizing experience. That why I was on it about sanctioning etc. Yes everybody's gotta start somewhere. If he had some sort of sanctioning at least that part would of been taken care and given teams some assurance. . Flip coin, if he had organizing experience then doing it non sanctioned would of been fine to . He had neither. At least have one side of the deal. i guess with only 4 teams signing up i wasn't the only one who had doubts, (just the only one who would go public about it ) . This guy couldn't even send an email, how do you think he would of ran a contest?

Next time another local organizer (that I don't know) tries to put a local comp together, I'll do the same exact thing I did this time. Send in an application, and try to do my part to get a local comp going. If it works out.... great, if not I lost nothing.
Next time another local organizer (that I don't know) tries to put a local comp together, I'll do the same exact thing I did this time. Send in an application, and try to do my part to get a local comp going. If it works out.... great, if not I lost nothing.

I couldn't have said it better myself. I didn't send in an app for this one because I had another obligation that weekend but we should all be supporting ANY local competition, regardless of things like payout. As great as Williepal'ooza and the Battle of the BBQ Brethren events are, there's still 50 more weekends of the year that we can be hosting events (in a perfect world, of course).
Next time another local organizer (that I don't know) tries to put a local comp together, I'll do the same exact thing I did this time. Send in an application, and try to do my part to get a local comp going. If it works out.... great, if not I lost nothing.

I couldn't have said it better myself. I didn't send in an app for this one because I had another obligation that weekend but we should all be supporting ANY local competition, regardless of things like payout. As great as Williepal'ooza and the Battle of the BBQ Brethren events are, there's still 50 more weekends of the year that we can be hosting events (in a perfect world, of course).

If i wanted to throw away money i would buy frozen meatballs and wrap them in bacon, i dont have to send it to an unknown organizer. One day it that check wont come back to you.....
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