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In all honesty, I will gladly do a shady competition anytime.

Bethpage is definitely NOT a shady comp!

It will be in a parking lot with barely a tree in sight.
if it were a $75-100 entry fee i could see it. at $200 hes up there with other contests that have sanctioning with all the amenities.

I think someone said the entry fee is all going to the prize pool(dont quote me) and from this thread it seems there is electric, water, and team meals.

So with that... what amenities are missing.?

I see nothing worng with a neighborhood cook off. Actually I think it is great. I do have a problem with a neighborhood cookoff that offers nothing to get outsiders to come in and then take a chance from a team that won a comp like Hudson Valley from going to the Jack. Does a comp in my home town with 15 teams and no prize money deserve to give the winner a chance at the world championship. I would say morally no. I dont think this is a qualifier from what I was told, but there have been some shady comps around the country.

(regarding in bold above.) What does that mean? In general(not just local), If a contest offers, water, electric, and a prize pool(thats all or a high% of entry fee), what else is needed/expected.??

I'm heading to 2 contests in a weekend. I have NO IDEA what the prize pool is in one, and the other is $6500, not large by any stretch. Dont know the venues, dont care.. As long as its got a spot to park, and a place to cook, and someone running the show, thats all I need.
I am really looking forward to this one. I really hope it can be pulled off.
I'm looking forward to utilizing my newly honed judging skills. (KCBS Judging Class the day before)
That's if I pass, I hear the final exam is tough..:wink:
I think someone said the entry fee is all going to the prize pool(dont quote me) and from this thread it seems there is electric, water, and team meals.

So with that... what amenities are missing.?

(regarding in bold above.) What does that mean? In general. If a contest offers, water, electric, and a prize pool(thats all or a high% of entry fee), what else is needed/expected.??

I'm heading to 2 contests in a weekend. I have NO IDEA what the prize pool is in one, and the other is $6500, not large by any stretch. Dont know the venues, dont care.. As long as its got a spot to park, and a place to cook, and someone running the show, thats all I need.

$6500 is a fair prize pool and would attract a decent amount of teams from surrounding states. Having no guaranteed prize pool WOULD attract me if it was 30 minutes from my house, but by not a 200 mile drive. I would feel its not worth the time and there are probably better options. Not that I am worried about making money at it, but to me I rather have at least a chance.
I had already signed up for Que for the Troops in PA when this was anounced. It's in my backyard, we had to join. I know it's a small contest and I was afraid they might cancel it but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do a local contest and let family and friends see what the heck i've been doing.
I never heard so many adults whine about not doing or complaining about a local comp trying to happen.:tsk:

I don't think i saw anything anywhere stating this was a huge event with all kinds of payouts, this is a new event trying to kick off and they're looking for help/support from the local bbq community, if that's what we are & what we're about, but i guess its not.

Maybe if the idea of this comp offends/irks you & you have nothing good to say...

To bad, then just don't go & forget about it...:mad2:
(don't bitc$ when it turns out to be awsome)
Guys... Keep it civil and stop the personal attacks and name calling. Keep the discussion at an adult level or we'll lock the thread.
anyway back to Bethpage...any idea on number of teams?...we are trying to re arrange some prior commitments to compete and support this contest
would like toknow if this contest is def a "go" before changing a lot of plans

I have an inquiry in to Charlie and will advise as soon as I find out...
I've talked it up with a few other folks as well and hope all can make it..
Has anyone heard anything? I have other things that are coming up for that weekend and Want to know what i should do. There was talk about ten teams needed think i counted 6 maybe 7 . So not sure where that leaves us.
Can we get rolling on this. Is Charlie responding anyone elses emails?
i heard there is only 4 teams registered right now if it comes down to it i can be the 10th is there is nine. i have other plans but im sure i can rearrange them to hopefully get and keep a nassau comp going
when is going to be officially on or off? has anybody heard DIRECTLY from Charlie?? shopping time is near!
In all seriousness where are all the HUGE LOCAL COMP supporters? Why is no one going?

I'm a HUGE supporter of local contests :wink:. I'll be in Chicago since you asked..

Seriously, there are probably 25 LI based teams, half or more of which only appear to compete locally in the hotbed of BBQ.

Here's what I see :

- Extremely short notice - many have posted previous commitments at the start of the thread
- high entry fee of $200 for an unknown,
- no clarity on the rules, judging etc.
- no one knows the organizer, nor has he gone out of his way to log onto the interwebs to try to draw some interest via this forum

It's just like the Jack, AR, MIM and Houston Rodeo, only different :heh:
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