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Knows what WELOCME spells.
Apr 26, 2010
Overland Park, KS
Question for the Brethern: When smoking large batches of meat at home, how/where do you dispose of the grease drippings and grey water?
I put my grease in a empty water bottle or empty milk jug and freeze then toss into the trash on trash pick up day.
Funny, I was about to post this same question. My Backwoods contaminates a lot of water and I have no idea what to do with it all.
Well, I don't have a brush pile, and not enough milk jugs or water bottles, but I end up with plenty of ashes. Thanks for the idea, qnbiker. My next cook is scheduled for July 3 and I'll give that a try.
After they completely cool, I empty the ashes into a plastic garbage bag, then pour the water and grease into the bag. The ashes soak it up.

I have a metal can I bought from Home Depot I use for ash and dump the water straight in it. The nasty water left over from a cook is the one thing I don't like about my Backwoods.
I have large flower pot full of sand that I dump it in. When it gets full I dump it in my fire pit and burn it.

Funny thing is it smells like sewer when I dump it in the fire pit, but smells like the best hamburger you'll ever eat when it's burning šŸ˜³
Not the toilet, the fat will congeal inside the pipes and you'll have to call
KPAX to come and snake out your lines.
I'm with Fwismoker , don't use water... but I would skim the greas off the top, and toss the rest in the neighbor's yard :-D