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Babbling Farker
Aug 9, 2016
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For my husband....he really likes your food and wants to try. Getting him a smoker for a present!

Sometimes it's extremely difficult. Try to explain to my friend's wife, while she is standing in front of the 6 models at Menards (while she occasionally covers the phone to yell at her kids to get off/down/away from that), that it depends on how he likes to cook. She tells me she uses a natural gas grill but her husband likes to use charcoal because he considers it 'more manly' (her words, not mine).

So I tell her he may want a charcoal smoker instead of gas or electric...she says she doesn't see one right there. I suggest he may like a pellet grill? She says he wants a smoker not a grill...grrr she doesn't understand.

So she says, what brand is good....ummmm...well Masterbuilt? Smoke Hollow? Camp Chef? She says OOOHH, they have a Smoke Hollow, do I get the gas or electric. I try to explain the differences and she say...I don't think I want him messing with a propane tank...I'll get the electric.

Now what kind of chips? Oh boy.

So in the end I tell her...whatever you get him will be fine for someone just starting out...but expect that if he likes it...he will want to pick something for himself in a few months.

Hope I did the brother solid...

I hate getting these calls...How do you handle them?
As soon as she said she was at Menards, that kind of set the tone. Maybe you could have suggested to her that she was better off giving him a smoker than getting him a smoker.:thumb:
I always recommend a wsm or a pbc. Always. If they push for electric or gas I explain the poor build quality, but more importantly, I point out how poorly they actually work. Once i explain how much easier it is to put out proper food in the wsm or PBC, they’re usually on board.
Fake a bad connection - hang up in mid-syllable and don't answer when she re-dials. There's some things you can't fix- that's one of them.
if she's Local and hasn't bought anything - tell her to meet you at St Louis BBQ Store and you can do a Show n Tell and educate her.......
I've made some Pretty Decent Q in my Masterbuilt Electric..........

My dad uses one on occasion and he turns out some pretty decent stuff, granted not as good as I turn out on the WSM tho

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