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Baffle mod, firebrick mod (used quarry tile), heat shield in fire box lid mod (found good use for factory ashpan). Started out with unlit chimney ful of k'sford in line from front to back of fbox at about center. Fill chimney with lump put on sidecar burner wait 10 min pour between k'ford and smokebox. After all going good put in water pan with boiling water set heat shield over firebox close lid wait 20 mins or so smoke box at 275 open her up put in food close it up and after settling in (ran a bit hot at first) every 45mins added 1 split of well seasoned cherry just about as shown in "cooking with wood" and 4 to 6 kingsford. Held 235 like a stone until about 11am (5 hrs in to cook) when wind kicked up open the damper a pinch more put in 6-8 kingsford back on track til rain came, survived that too. Wood is the stuff as are all 3 mods. My food a small roast done in 5 hrs (3lb cheap roast) made excellent snackins for lunch, deep smokering cant wait to try brisket. 8.5lb butt took up to 170 wrapped,made 190 in about 90 mins. cooler 1 hr counter 1hr 160. Pull, eat, enjoy. When I unwrapped that thing and tried to put it on cutting board just fell apart got it moved in about 5 or 6 chunks. You have no clue how much you guys helped I got up this morning confident I could do this and do it well because a couple hundred friend shared ideas and advice with me and I had a lot of experience with me on my first cook. OK so every come on over for a pulled (ha not very hard) pork sandwich some beans slaw and a beer you guys did great and made me look like I knew my s**t. thanks all,scott
oh yeah i forgot,photos of mods and food to come next few days.
Excellent results for a first cook! You have every right to be proud.
I think the difference between your first cook and mine is that you found this site before your first cook, where I think I found it after mine or shortly after when I started looking for answers to a very bad experience.
But the "founding fathers" of this site got me on track in a couple of weeks, and it's been nothing but a fun since, not only with cooking, but hanging out here.

Great job!
Davewey said:
Glad to hear it whet off great. Know what, it only gets better!!

Yeah, you get to run around all over the place looking for different kinds of wood to cook with, you become addicted, your neighbors think you're nuts, untill they taste your Q. Then you can't get rid of them. Word spreads then your invited to every party, with onyl one question, "what are you bringing". 8)
WORKS FOR ME :wink: :wink: