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I have got that klous pit also, just a tip if you keep her wiped down with peanut oil every couple of months, you will never have to paint it.
Welcome back Vinny. Thats a sweet looking pit. I have really enjoyed getting back to burning sticks.
I can't wait to see a picture of it in your yard and full of food!

Parrothead called me today and said he's got a guy coming over tomorrow with a bobcat to get the pit out to the front of the house.

So... For the guys asking about the quality of the $80 offsets at Home Depot, Menards, Academy, etc., this statement says a lot! Not that those are bad cookers, and I'm not picking on anyone who uses one, but this simple statement shows one of the huge differences between entry leverl offsets and a top end unit like the Klose BYC.

It takes a farking Bobcat to move it! That's a quality built pit that will hold temp in almost any weather!
Thanks for the continued comments guys !!!

Greg said the bobcat came and easily got the pit out today and up to the front of his house.

Shooting for pickup on Friday. Will try to nail down the appointment tomorrow with the trucking company.

Stay tuned !! (can you tell I'm just a little excited ?)
I would love to have a pit like that one day....I could see it now...snugged up close to a hunting lodge deep in south Texas seasoned by years of Bucks and game birds!
Any follow up?

so close... yet so far...

Yeah... It went down like this

Truck ? Check.
Pit on Truck ? Check.
Liftgate on truck ? Check.

BUT... farking truc width/liftgate was too small !!!! Drivers couldn't swing it around and too long to go down lengthwise or diagonally. Talked about needing to get second truck so liftgates go back to back to lower it down but next truck was 4 hrs away

Long story short.. truck has my pit.. Working with logistics co to arrange new delivery with proper equipment and ensuring I don't get stuck eating additional "auxliary fees".. They got it onto the truck in Chi-town, back onto a new truck at the central NJ depot this one came from, so they can get it off in Long Island.

After truck goes away, Phil calls to tell me that for his Klose delivery he had a similar problem and had to call a tow truck company to help get it off the truck.. too late now.

to be continued....

FARK !!! :icon_pissed