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Found some matches.
Jun 20, 2019
Crown Point, Indiana
Name or Nickame
Hi all, new to the forums as a member, but have been reading a while. I'll get to the point. I am looking to try something new with my all purpose rub Saturday when I make a brisket. I have the usual suspects in the rub, chili powder, garlic powder, cayenne, salt, black pepper, paprika, brown sugar, ground mustard and onion powder.

This time around I want to add coffee and Hershey's coca as well. I have a local roasted coffee that is strong with a slight sweetness, and i think it would be a perfect compliment. The question is, how much should of each should I add to my existing if the amount of rub was equal to about an 8oz container? Thanks in advance for your advice and any at all would be awesome!
I do a even amount of all the stuff I know I like,then the stuff I want to try I go 1/2 of the other, some spices cant be loaded as heavy, salt pepper garlic brown sugar as a base then lighter on the hotter peppers ect. take notes and remember to update them when you eat because you will quickly forget what you really liked or disliked .I have made some great blends and forgotten what I put in latter . Just remember it might look like a lot on there but a lot will run off or thru and just leave some great flavor that probably wont be as strong as you think. I would add 2 tbls of the coffee ground fine along with same of the coca ,I enjoy using Domino's brownulated brown sugar in rubs due to it not clumping when stored.
I don't usually use sugar in beef rubs. But when I read that you want to add coffee and cocoa i figure to leave the sugar in.
I dont make very many rubs. I have watched some made on TV. IMnotalwaysHO, you should do one ingredient first, and see what it does to the flavor, then try the other one on your next batch, that way you know what you like for sure and you won't have to backtrack. I would say that the coffee, you could get away with using 1 or 2 tbsp in the amount of rub you have. The coco, should probably back way down to maybe 1/2 tsp at the most; to me it may be like cinnamin...a little goes a long way. When I watched a guy on TV throw his rub together, he had a really small amount of coco for a good amount of rub.
I will give the less is more approach a try then. I have always used brown sugar in my beef rub, mainly because I use the same base all purpose and then add something different depending on the meat. Here's to hoping it turns out good. I have yet to smoke a brisket using an electric smoker. Always used a pit style charcoal and wood but I'm limited now as I am in an apartment and on a balcony so my workhorse is now a masterbuilt digital.
I will give the less is more approach a try then. I have always used brown sugar in my beef rub, mainly because I use the same base all purpose and then add something different depending on the meat. Here's to hoping it turns out good. I have yet to smoke a brisket using an electric smoker. Always used a pit style charcoal and wood but I'm limited now as I am in an apartment and on a balcony so my workhorse is now a masterbuilt digital.

I will be interested how you like the changes. I like coffee in a rub. I would be afraid that adding coco too would give me mocha flavored chicken. :shocked: Anyway, keep us updated.
Yea now that I think about it you're right, maybe I'll just add in some coffee this go around and next time try cocoa and see which one I prefer. Cocoa on pork but, IMO l, is phenomenal.