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I wonder if the pellitized brethren are ROFLTA’sO:wink:

Pellets for heat or using pellets for smoke? In my opinion, if you want TWS, get a pellet tube or maze. If you want TBS, toss a 1/4 handful of pellets over a roaring hot chimney of red coals every 10-15 min. Its tedious, but i love the results.
I’m going to get one one of these days. Small two person size.
Pellets for heat or using pellets for smoke? In my opinion, if you want TWS, get a pellet tube or maze. If you want TBS, toss a 1/4 handful of pellets over a roaring hot chimney of red coals every 10-15 min. Its tedious, but i love the results.

You're new here so I will help you. El Luchador is the resident troll who starts threads to get people in a frenzy. This thread will be a 15+ pager. It's gold. Ignore his posts and just look at them as entertainment. Like gambling in the casino. It's entertainment, not an income source.
Quick note, we have been keeping an eye on this thread, as we have said before, if you have nothing to add or are posting to take some shots or stir the pot, don't. You know the saying, "If you have nothing to add, leave the thread.

Now, with that said. It's funny you mention this thin white smoke and the UDS. I would notice the same with mine. Lump or briqs and chunks. I also noticed that it was heavy on odor of the fats burning off moreso than wood smoke, if that makes any sense. I notice it in the PBC as well. Personally, I got to a point that I just didn't like the flavor of the smoke that the fat was creating an imparting on the meat. Hence, both UDS' have been given away to loving and caring homes.

Months back, I found a great deal on an OK Joe Highland using Brickseek and applied a gift card I had as well. Took it home for under $99. Now, completely different flavor profile. Takes me back to where I started out when I found this place......Brinkmann SP (all the mods) and learning to burn sticks only.

I always attributed the smoke and the difference to the fats dripping on the coals. Who knows?

I've only been using my UDS for about 5mos. I always had thin white smoke.The temp was good so I didn't sweat it. I pretty much stumbled into thin blue. I was doing a butt and looked out and couldn't see any smoke. Smoker is away from the house and my eyes aren't that good. I went to check and getting closer I could see the thin almost transparent blue smoke. I had an epiphany " THIS is the smoke they speak of". I went into the garage and got my coffee can full of nails and screws and found one that slid perfectly into the gap in the vent. I now have my vent gauge and the technique works, at least for me.
You're new here so I will help you. El Luchador is the resident troll who starts threads to get people in a frenzy. This thread will be a 15+ pager. It's gold. Ignore his posts and just look at them as entertainment. Like gambling in the casino. It's entertainment, not an income source.

Like with all of the creatures on this planet, they gotta eat. What kind of person would i be if i refused to feed them.
I'm guessing that thin smoke is the point and we are in another semantics battle royal with el lucador. This time over colors

EL let's see some pics of your chimney. I'll show you mine if you show me yours

I mean this is a good opportunity for folks to show what their preferred smoke looks like on various cookers as examples to those learning.
I was at an establishment for lunch the other day and there was a BBQ food truck parked out front and it was billowing out thick white smoke out of an 8" exhaust. I figured he was just firing it up so I ate off the menu. The guy from the truck walked in and said that the BBQ was ready to serve. I looked out at the truck and it was still rolling heavy white smoke. I don't know about you, but I couldn't imagine that it would've tasted very good. I just shook my head and went back to work.
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Quick note, we have been keeping an eye on this thread, as we have said before, if you have nothing to add or are posting to take some shots or stir the pot, don't. You know the saying, "If you have nothing to add, leave the thread.

Now, with that said. It's funny you mention this thin white smoke and the UDS. I would notice the same with mine. Lump or briqs and chunks. I also noticed that it was heavy on odor of the fats burning off moreso than wood smoke, if that makes any sense. I notice it in the PBC as well. Personally, I got to a point that I just didn't like the flavor of the smoke that the fat was creating an imparting on the meat. Hence, both UDS' have been given away to loving and caring homes.

Months back, I found a great deal on an OK Joe Highland using Brickseek and applied a gift card I had as well. Took it home for under $99. Now, completely different flavor profile. Takes me back to where I started out when I found this place......Brinkmann SP (all the mods) and learning to burn sticks only.

I always attributed the smoke and the difference to the fats dripping on the coals. Who knows?


ive noticed that unpleasant taste when Ive cooked over the coals for 8 or more hours. its really not a problem for me because the most smoke my meats will see is probably 6 hours. chicken and ribs are done in less than 6 hours, and pork butt and brisket gets wrapped before 6.
You're new here so I will help you. El Luchador is the resident troll who starts threads to get people in a frenzy. This thread will be a 15+ pager. It's gold. Ignore his posts and just look at them as entertainment. Like gambling in the casino. It's entertainment, not an income source.

lol. the only people who seem to get bent out of shape about my posts are those with expensive 60" or bigger side offset cookers who only burn stick(but start with a base of kbb nonetheless), dont wrap, and know that only an offset stick burner can produce the best Q, and only when its burning thin blue smoke lmao.

I've only been using my UDS for about 5mos. I always had thin white smoke.The temp was good so I didn't sweat it. I pretty much stumbled into thin blue. I was doing a butt and looked out and couldn't see any smoke. Smoker is away from the house and my eyes aren't that good. I went to check and getting closer I could see the thin almost transparent blue smoke. I had an epiphany " THIS is the smoke they speak of". I went into the garage and got my coffee can full of nails and screws and found one that slid perfectly into the gap in the vent. I now have my vent gauge and the technique works, at least for me.

but I have to ask. did you prefer the meat coming off the stick blue or were you happy because thats the accepted holy grail of smoke?

I'm guessing that thin smoke is the point and we are in another semantics battle royal with el lucador. This time over colors

EL let's see some pics of your chimney. I'll show you mine if you show me yours

I mean this is a good opportunity for folks to show what their preferred smoke looks like on various cookers as examples to those learning.

I dont get into semantics battles. the macho men just take offense to the word braising because they feel it makes them less macho if they say the braise their bbq.

I will happily post VIDS of my uds exhaust. I think I can put on a rack of ribs tomorrow. itll be thin white smoke trust me.
Well, I guess I’m just all screwed up. I kinda use wood choice to achieve a lighter or heavier smoke flavor.

Who woulda guessed all I had to do was look at the smoke?...

Seriously, I tend to select woods for flavor and keep the smoke on the thin side, expecting a little more smoke when I first throw a chunk on the coals.


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You're new here so I will help you. El Luchador is the resident troll who starts threads to get people in a frenzy. This thread will be a 15+ pager. It's gold. Ignore his posts and just look at them as entertainment. Like gambling in the casino. It's entertainment, not an income source.

And you’ve been around here long enough to know that name calling and personal attacks will NOT be tolerated! KNOCK IT OFF! Use the ignore feature if you can’t!
lol. the only people who seem to get bent out of shape about my posts are those with expensive 60" or bigger side offset cookers who only burn stick(but start with a base of kbb nonetheless), dont wrap, and know that only an offset stick burner can produce the best Q, and only when its burning thin blue smoke lmao.

but I have to ask. did you prefer the meat coming off the stick blue or were you happy because thats the accepted holy grail of smoke?

I dont get into semantics battles. the macho men just take offense to the word braising because they feel it makes them less macho if they say the braise their bbq.

I will happily post VIDS of my uds exhaust. I think I can put on a rack of ribs tomorrow. itll be thin white smoke trust me.

I run a clean fire and don't like any dirty combustion. I've been playing with the drum alot lately after years of being a naysayer. Fire management for the drum is almost more important than my beloved stick burner. I can only use lump so far. Bricks just taste off no matter what i do. I have to give it time too settle. It starts thick

It settles in to a very light smoke. Today it took almost an hour

Tonight were smoking meatloaf

Ooh yeah!

Sorry I feel like that was a setup.
I don't have a UDS, and only experience with one was watching Sweet smoke Q set up and light his at a competition. From that and what I've read here it seems everyone uses lump/briquettes in some sort of basket with chunks of some kind of wood either mixed in or on top. It seems to me the OP likes his food slightly smokier so instead of 4-7 small chunks he puts the same volume of wood in a single split on top. I get it, prefer more smoke flavor, add bigger chunk of wood on top of clean burning lump to achieve goal. Maybe he should have just said that instead of attempting to coin a new term.