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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jan 16, 2013
Mid morning tee time so fired up the SOB with B&B Oak Lump for a quick high heat sear. Pork tenders seasoned with Rudy’s BBQ Turkey Rub. While getting a good sear plugged in the slow cooker and added 1/2 Jar Durango Diner Green Chile Sauce and about 1/4 Cup water. Placed the seared tenders in pot and covered. Came home , temp 200 juicy and very tender, made pork tacos.
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I have to look online for some of that sauce.

For many years you could pick up the phone Call Durango Diner And place an order for a case. They’d send it to you with an invoice and an addressed envelope with the sauce. You’d mail them a check. They took great pride in that not one person had failed to pay. Don’t think they do it that way anymore. Now you pay with Cc at order. However they do have some retail outlets like grocery stores. I bought this in Buena Vista CO in June at City Market??

I’ve had Durango Diner GC sauce that is hot and some quite mild. It always has great flavor regardless of heat
It was Rotel but she also used Pace and another brand salsa