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well.. I have a wife and two daughters that are a bit choosy, so...
I absolutely love Pepper Stout Beef. And also Roast Beef, cooked like a Baltimore Pit Beef

Dislike.... Well, I like a lot cooking pork ribs, but I don't like to eat them. I know, I'm insane
But the thing that I hate, or better, I'm scared about it is seafood. Octopus, shrimps, Jellyfish, molluscs.. I can't neither touch it.
If octopus is still alive and moves its tentacles, I seriously risk getting faint
This is from a guy who grew up on a sheep ranch with a mother who was 90% vegetarian and who observed the biblical dietary proscriptions (no pig) and who cooked all meat until it was brown through and through. My father ate no vegetables as far as I can remember except for fresh onions, radishes and turnips out of the garden. It was a mixed household.

I like:
Probably more than anything else: oven fresh sourdough bread.
Cheese including Velveeta but not overripe limburger.
Canned tuna :shock:
All parts of a pig that I've tried except for pre packaged pork rinds or cracklins. I would like to try freshly prepared though.
Chicken. I prefer white and dry but the rest is ok too.
Beef anything
Elk & venison

I don't care for:
Sheep having had my lifetime fill by the time I was 12.
Sweet barbecue sauces.
Shellfish, lobster, shrimp
Cooked turnips :puke:
I like to put pork chops on direct heat to get some sear/lines then toss them in a pan of bbq sauce on indirect. It is delicious.

I don't like fruit mixed in with other foods like salad, chicken, pork, etc.

I hate cooking hamburgers. Especially for a big group. Too many flare ups and smoke.

I really like KFC gravy and coleslaw.
Jack sprat. Can't deal with beef fat ... ribs or the point, no dice. I'm down with pork fat but not overmuch, for pulled I do an 8# butt with half a loin. Take em both to 200+ and pull. Love the eye on a ribeye as well as the cap but, exercise some slick knife work on both to avoid that spongey arse bite on fat/gristle.

Love Spam and vienna sausages straight out the can but, they gotta be stone cold right out the fridge ... a splash of vinegar on the sausages ... bliss!

I'm cool with MSG, Gazebo Room marinated anything kabobbed and I'm damp and crying! Dandelion in a hot bacon dressing with fried ham and boiled potatoes ... oh yeah!

Bee's! Alergic as fark! Jihad on those farkers! If honey's their currency, they can wipe their arse with it!

Beef short ribs, preferably whole rack

I hate:

Rushed food. Oh I can tell when food was rushed!!! TRUST ME
Brisket flat.

I don't like:

BBQ Sauce
BBQ pork butt. I want to like it, but it's so bland without liberal use of sauces. This is a meat that I would rather slow cook with a bottle of baby rays dumped in. That's cutting to the chase.

What say ye?

Don't get the "bland" part.

I do pulled for the staff Christmas Eve dinner pretty much every year. I always have the sauce on the side and usually hang back to watch and listen. I would say that 80% ofthe staff uses minimal sauce or none at all. I'm usually feeding 110-125 every time. This past Christmas less than half a gallon of SBR was used. Most were commenting on the flavor and how it didn't need sauce.
Likes: fried bologna sandwiches. Cheap bologna with a little cut in the side fried up on the griddle and served on cheap white bread. I also love cardboard crust cheapo frozen pizzas. Not sure why. I was a latch key kid.

Dislikes: raw celery. I can't even think of it without gagging. I love spicy food but hate horseradish. I've seen some wonderful beef ruined by overpowering horseradish.
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Like just about any grilled or smoked meat and seafood.

Do not like peas and I do not drink coffee. I like the smell of coffee but can't stand the taste.
I love all beef and pork BBQ. However Beef short ribs are Mana from heaven.

I hate salmon particularly smoked salmon. I also hate sauced pork ribs. I like sauce but it is a condiment not to be slathered on a rib. Dry rub is the only cool way to go. Meat, smoke, and seasoning MMM good.
Don't get the "bland" part.

I do pulled for the staff Christmas Eve dinner pretty much every year. I always have the sauce on the side and usually hang back to watch and listen. I would say that 80% ofthe staff uses minimal sauce or none at all. I'm usually feeding 110-125 every time. This past Christmas less than half a gallon of SBR was used. Most were commenting on the flavor and how it didn't need sauce.

Maybe it's the kind of pork Im getting? Lately Ive been getting the costco de-boned ones out of convenience. Do you add salt or add spice after you pull/chop? Id like for pork butt to be more tasty, especially since its so easy and cheap to cook. But yeah, mine just turns out bland. Maybe I just need to go to a hipster farmer and get me a nice acorn-fed, free-range pig or something.
Im not much of a picky eater but there are a few things I dont care for, or mainly I just wont make for myself, if im somewhere and someone made it for me then ill eat it.

Wont eat under any circumstance
-Canned tuna, has too strong of a resemblance to canned cat food which makes me gag.
-Peas (unless mixed into something else to the point I cant notice it)

Will eat if someone makes it for me but not my favorite.
Beans, dont much really care for any bean except green beans but will eat them. I think its a texture thing because I like bean soup if its been cooked really far down to where its more like a puree.
Cantaloupe, tastes like soap
Boneless skinless chicken breast, wouldn't phase me a bit if it was outlawed. However I do really enjoy dark meat chicken, especially charcoal grilled with a sweet BBQ sauce.

We dont have any one thing that we eat religiously here, we are kind of a seasonal household, dishes vary based on the time of year. Things come and go as they get worn out. Made homemade sloppy joes the other night with bacon, probably havent had that in over a year. I always mix up the leftover sloppy joes and mac and cheese for lunch the next day. Im pretty sure that bowl was about 5000 calories and I ate every bit of it.


Toss up between ribeye and a high quality pork chop.

I think someone mentioned kraft blue box mac and cheese, I think I would pick that over many homemade versions ive had!

I fall victim to chef block a lot, especially after a long cook, you kind of loose your appetite during the process. For me standing on the sidelines is the complete opposite, the more I linger and watch the more starved I get!
What an awesome thread!

You guys have some interesting tastes, and I like hearing about the variety on here.

I really like cooking for other people. I rarely feel like my food tastes as good as other people say it does, and I never know if they are being kind or if I am just my harshest critic. I do really enjoy my beef ribs, brisket, and steaks. As much as I criticize my cooking, I just have a really hard time ordering a steak out (haven't done it in about three or four years) because I feel like I can do better for less money.

Other people really like my pulled pork and my kettle fried chicken. KFC is all thanks to the brethren, because I learned about it here first. As far as the pulled pork goes, I never use bbq sauce, and I would cringe if someone asked for it. However, I do love throwing some Frank's Red Hot and pulled pork on a Hawaiian roll.

I cannot stand turkey or ham. I could do without chicken. There are probably others, but I am not very picky.
Oh, I forgot to mention: I saw some of you don't like olives. I had an interesting (to me) theory a few years ago about olives and acquiring taste like beer or wine. I grew up hating olives, but a former boss and several friends love them and would always go on and on about olive bars and how much they loved this type and that type at parties. Long story short, I ate about 500 olives one summer to attempt to acquire a taste for them.

Well, it actually worked... now I love many varieties and will even purchase them! Yikes!

It's so tough to really come up with something. My favorite proteins are without a doubt the tough/fatty cuts cooked low 'n' slow to turn them into something amazing. Whether it's braising, smoking, etc, I just love 'em. I will devour pulled pork, but I like a properly done Carnitas just as well. Love smoked short ribs, but braised and served over polenta may actually be better.

Really I'm a big fan of any food that is properly prepared. I typically prefer the "classic" iterations over the "modern". Alfredo done in the traditional butter & parmesan is vastly superior over the cream laden calorie bomb that most Americans think of. I like food prepared from fresh ingredients, by people that care enough to do it right.

Which brings me to my dislikes: PROCESSED FOOD. I, like everybody, have a few guilty pleasures that I'll still partake in, but on the whole I just hate processed foods. Canned soups, powdered flavors, etc...Nearly anything containing "Natural" or "Artificial" flavors is a no-no if I do the grocery shopping. Even more than I hate these things are dishes prepared by using highly processed crap as "ingredients". My in-laws will often times have a holiday meal where 2-3 dishes will contain canned soup as a key ingredient...blech.

I love bold flavor, and I love subtle flavor. I just like it to be done with real ingredients. Yeah, I'm a food snob, but it is what it is. I hate the way processed food destroys the palate, and I hate even more the way it makes me feel after eating it.