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Knows what a fatty is.
Feb 11, 2004
St. charles MO
I’ve done brisket and been happy with the results.
But want to try this Foil, Towel, Cooler thing.

Foil, Towel, cooler try and say that three times fast.

So do I have this down, I get it up to temp, Foil it let it go another hour or so.
Take it out rap it in an old bath towel (keep the wife happy) and stick it in the smallest cooler I have that it will fit in?

Second question, can pork chops be smoked with out drying them out I’ve tried 4 times.
I think the answer will be to marinade them?
Foil, towel, cooler??? bring it to temp, wrap it in foil, then put it in a cooler, the towel is just to take up the dead space in the cooler. Cooler it for as long as you can. Keep it in there as long as ya can, the longer the better, just keeps getting more tender. Keep a thermo in the brisket, dont let it sit to long below 140. That could be up to 6 hrs.

I've done pork chops, usually do center cut, at least an inch thick. Either keep moppin them or wrap them in bacon, i take them off at 150, and slap them on a hot grill for a few secs on each side.

I like wrapping the brisket in foil at about 165-170. It's already taken in all the smoke it's going to, and it will rise to temp faster (IMO). The towel not only takes up dead space in the cooler, but also seems to serve as additional insulation. BTW - if you foil the brisket in the chamber to bring it to temp, wrap another clean piece around it before putting in the cooler (much cleaner that way).
chad said:
It's amazing the things you find in the archives.

Agree 100%, the archived posts here are simply priceless, and free too.

However ....

I will never get upset when someone asks a question that has been posed before countless times. As we gain experience, we often question the old way of doing things, and find newer better ways that would not come to light if we just "use the search button" to see how it was done in 2003.

I guess I am advocating the combination approach: Search all you can, absorb every bit of knowledge that is already out there, but if you still wanna fresh answer to an old topic, I understand that too.
right on G$. I for one have changed techniques over time. Stuff i mayhave posted in 2003, I may completely contradict today. So...... ask some today, read some tomorrow.
What we knew in 2003 and what we know now is what we have evolved from and now to.....through trial and error and that everyone benefits.........It's the Brethren way........