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Full Fledged Farker
Feb 3, 2013
Hoopeston IL
I picked up a 3.5lb chuckie Saturday while out grocery shopping, snuck it right in the cart and the wife did not even catch it, decided to do Peppered Stout Beef on Sunday. I fired up the UDS and let her settle in at 265, while she was warming up I prepped he beef

I threw it on with some hickory and let it cook until it reached a temp of 165, in the middle of the cook got called out with the Fire Dept. to assist with keeping people away from some downed power lines and the other issues caused by the bad storms we had here yesterday, anyways the beef reached temp while I was gone and the wife graciously panned it in this

and let it cook covered while I was gone. I let it cook at 300-350 for 3 hours, unfortunately the temp did not hold as I did not start with a full basket mainly because I was not planning to finish it on the smoker but we lost power due to the storm and I had no other option. Thank god for charcoal and the UDS. While I had the beef on cookign I also threw on a couple of nakid fatties for my next batch of chili, they came our looking mighty fine.

The end result turned out really well, my mom and step dad were up seeing the baby and they got to be part of my crash test dummy tasting group, other than it being a little on the spicy side, I believe due to to much pepper as I cut the jalapenos back, it had an amazing taste prfile and got rave reviews from all who had some. I do not have a plated shot but have the finished product here:

Thanks for looking :becky:
I will definitely be making this again, first time of many to come, I love expanding my mental cookbook from all you Brethen.
seriously...have you tasted it today? Next time, you will want to just foil it all up, let the flavors meld in teh fridge overnight, and chow down the next day! :nod:
Not yet walking out of work in a minute than I will warm it up for dinner. If there is any ledt my Wife and kis chowed down last night.
First, glad y'all are OK, those storms looked like some seroius chit! And it looks like you and your wife pulled off some serious good eats.
How did you like it the next day? Or did the wife and kiddos scarf it all before you got to try it?
I got a very tiny taste the next day, they ate up most of what was there, the flavors were much more pronounced, I agree, next time I may cover it and make everyone wait until the following day or two to eat it, As per the usual the smoke flavor was more pronounced simply because I was not desensitized from being over the smoker all day.
I got a very tiny taste the next day, they ate up most of what was there, the flavors were much more pronounced, I agree, next time I may cover it and make everyone wait until the following day or two to eat it, As per the usual the smoke flavor was more pronounced simply because I was not desensitized from being over the smoker all day.
There's that but it also seems that the overall flavor of the spices, peppers, etc are all more pronounced, IMO.

All I really know is that that dish is a keeper and I'm gonna fix it soon. Perhaps it will be a good first cook on my new SS2 when it arrives.
All I really know is that that dish is a keeper and I'm gonna fix it soon. Perhaps it will be a good first cook on my new SS2 when it arrives.
It became an instant favorite at our house. I made some to take with on a fishing trip and the only thing SWMBO was concerned about was that I left enough behind for her. She said "I have to eat too, you know!"

It was my choice for the first cook in my 14.5 WSM.

My brother is home for a week after thanksgiving, this will be one of the dishes I make for him. gotta impress him while he is home. LOL