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Tri-tip final thoughts:

Outstanding smokey flavor and perfectly cooked. Wow that was easy! Only thing I like better on a reverse sear is the crunchy crust on the outside of the meat. I'll stick to a reverse sear but that doesn't mean I won't use the PBC!

Up next, Ribs! The PBC is running at 262 now. Once I took the Tri-tip off Temps fell a little. I still like where temp is!
Ok, ribs looking good. A little dark towards the end by the fire but not bad really. Still got a little bit to go. They've been on 2 hours so far. I expect at least another hour and a half.
Here's where the live cook honesty has to come in. After I took the pic I was going to hang the ribs back on the rod and missed. Yep, dropped them into the coals :shocked:. I immediately got them out. Luckily there was just a little coal dust on the very end and I was able to brush it off. To be clear, the ribs did NOT fall off the hook, I wasn't paying attention and missed the rod when hanging them. They are back in place and I don't think it will affect them at all.
Also with all my silliness going on, I left the lid off for too long and the temp spiked to 330. Its coming back down and I suspect it'll be back under 300 soon. Its gonna be interesting.....Rookie mistake LIVE! :becky:

Great work so far brother! The tri tip came out phenomenal! Looks like you got the PBC think down. Looking fwd to seeing the ribbies.
Almost forgot.....I typically use a propane burner under my weber chimney to light my coals. Well today my chimney decided to give out. Luckily only one side gave away before I got the lit coals into the PBC. Here's where its at now though. I'm gonna try and fix it. I'm sure its got another summer's worth in it! lol


Temps on the PBC are at 311 currently after the temp spike from my rookie mistakes mentioned above (they were running right at 265-270). Im gonna check the ribs again in about 30 min.
Nice work all around. Not easy to cook on a new smoker, take pics and provide a running commentary. Hope you're enjoying it. I'm getting a kick out of your posts.
Ok, the ribs are just about done. Bend test is about right and toothpics going in nice and easy. I pulled the ribs and glazed them with some Stubbs bbq sauce cut with a little bit of apple cider vinegar and little bit of water (hey, I like it!). They are back in the PBC but probably only for about 15 min. These ribs will be done in a total cook time of just over 3 hours.
Here they are just before the glaze......Lookin good!

Nice work all around. Not easy to cook on a new smoker, take pics and provide a running commentary. Hope you're enjoying it. I'm getting a kick out of your posts.

You are correct about that! While the cook itself has been pretty easy, running back and forth to the computer, uploading pics from phone, oh and feeding my kids (wife is out of town) has about worn my arse out!
Ahhh the sacrifices I make for the pron addicted Brethren :biggrin1:
Cook complete, Money shots!

Ok well the ribs are done! Just over 3 hours. They tasted great! and I'm a believer in this cooker now. I'm not gonna say they were the best ribs I've ever had, but I have some practicing to do on this yet. But they were great for a first go. I would have no problems serving these to you guys. You can see from the pics below, they had a nice smoke ring, nice color, and plenty juicy. They also had a little pull when biting. Not falling off the bone but close. I'd call them perfectly cooked. They cooked pretty evenly although the first 1/2 inch closest to the fire was over done as you can see in the pics. I will post a review of sorts tomorrow giving my impressions of the overall cook and the PBC along with what I will probably do different next time. But for tonight, enjoy the pron and thanks for watchin.......Oh, where ya at Smoke Ninja?? :biggrin1:

This was a hard shot.....hold ribs with one hand take pic with the other! wow!


All sliced up and lookin good! :thumb:
Yeah, those ribs look absolutely amazing. Tri-tip looks perfectly cooked and super juicy but same as you, nothing like some char on the outside. I think I would miss that, but otherwise great first run. Thanks for sharing !
It sure sounds like you would have hit the proper temps if your lid timing was a bit better. It may have helped keep the thin end of your rib rack from overcooking. And remember that you can hang a half-rack as easy as a whole if you have concerns about how close to the coals the meat is.

I also like a reverse sear on my tri-tip. I have considered fabbing a small grate on legs to set into the PBC fire basket for just such a use!
It sure sounds like you would have hit the proper temps if your lid timing was a bit better. It may have helped keep the thin end of your rib rack from overcooking. And remember that you can hang a half-rack as easy as a whole if you have concerns about how close to the coals the meat is.

I also like a reverse sear on my tri-tip. I have considered fabbing a small grate on legs to set into the PBC fire basket for just such a use!

Yeah I like where the intake is set. I've thought about cutting the ribs in half like you mentioned. When they were first hung the end was probably only 2" above the coals. If you cut the racks in half would they finish quicker?

I've also thought about a grate on legs like you mentioned accept I was thinking I could use it to place a pan on if I wanna catch drippings. With what you said though it could be a multi purpose thing.