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Full Fledged Farker
May 20, 2016
oklahoma city, ok
So I went to the lake this weekend and got some pork ribs cause that's what I was told to get. They have electric smoker at lake house...not a fan. I rubbed them with 2 different rubs and pit them on. Then about 4 hours in my step dad mentioned I was in charge of cooking them, uh a little late on relaying that info. He only added a couple handfuls of wood chips to smoker in those 4 hours and when I looked at them after getting back from the lake all day with kids they didn't look great, no bark, no Smokey aroma, needless to say I wasn't happy then. And then everybody wanted to eat in the next hour and I had to salvage best I could. They weren't great, kinda tough and not much smoke flavor, boooooo!

With that being said I got back from lake late last night and said, screw it I'm doing ribs again, the right way. Got a rack of pork spares and a sirloin roast(wife and mother in law on diet and can't eat the ribs). Then I got recruited to smoke a bunch of chicken breasts and Turkey patties for wife and mom in law so they would have meals for the week.

Rubbed spares with mustard and then a homemade rub(ill post it if its any good). Pork roast with with onion and garlic powder, cumin, Italian herbs and some Belgian style white ale seasoning( I think)

Chicken breasts and Turkey patties have all different stuff and each one just so it wasn't the same thing everyday.

Ribs with mustard and rub on it

Pork roast

Little under 2 hours into cook



9 chkn breast, 4 turkey patties, ribs and roast...still got room.

Son was ready to chow down.

Smoke ring PR0N!!!!!!


Picked up this 15+ lber today for cheap....couldn't pass it up, this is gonna be the next cook soon!!!!!


All in all it was a good cook, smoker cruised around 300-325° cause I needed to get ribs done quick....shoulda pulled them off quicker bit got busy wrapping up preweek meals for everyone and sat on there little longer. And it was first ribs on an actual legit smoker, not red neck rigging this time so I gotta learning curve to overcome a bit. Lots of pictures, enjoy!!!!
Nice job, you got a great little helper there, another future Pit Master of America.